School Library development and maintenance
Library refresh package
Does your school library need an overhaul, a makeover, a reboot? Then this package is for you.
For a set cost that you can fix in your budget we will provide the following:
- Librarian (and library assistant) in school for two days to weed library stock, tidy shelves (put in order), change of layout to make best use of space, furniture and display areas.
- £1000 RRP's worth of new books added to your library, chosen by SLS librarians based on their review of the current stock in the library after the weed.
All of this for only £1500. The school saves £900 on the RRP cost of all the elements included and can be sure that at the end of the process they will have a library that will not only look good but will also be providing more up-to-date, relevant and diverse books for all of your students to enjoy.
Upgrade to the Gold Package and you will receive:
- an additional £250 worth of books
- All new stock is labelled and catalogued before being sent to the school to be shelved so that no further staff time is required.
The cost to the school for this package is £2000 per annum and the school saves £1045 on the RRP cost of all the elements included and can be sure that at the end of the process they will have a library that will not only look good but will also be providing more up to date, relevant and diverse books for all of your students to enjoy and the new library will be ready to use without having to find additional staff time.
When purchasing either of the Library Refresh Packages (Silver and Gold) you can also choose to purchase the book add-on.
For every £500 added the school will receive books worth £600 RRP (factoring in the additional costs of protective jackets and selection time) on the silver package and just over £500 worth on the gold package (factoring in the additional costs of protective jackets, labelling, selection time and cataloguing). This gives you the flexibility to increase the spend where budget is available to provide more books for the school library beyond the amount given in either of the Library Refresh Packages allowing SLS to tailor the packages to suit your own school budget.
What other services we can offer
We can offer advice on policy and development planning, library stock development and maintenance, effective use of the school library to support information skills development and reading for pleasure, design of school library areas and library organisation and development.
School library computerisation service
A school library ideally should have a computerised library management system (LMS) networked throughout the school. This supports teachers to model independent learning skills, provides management of resources in the classroom and in the library, as well as providing supporting data for Ofsted Reports.
At Coventry SLS we can support schools to ask the right questions in choosing a LMS and provide details of current systems.
We can catalogue resources onto your system, input pupil and staff details and provide training for school staff on all aspects of the package.
Coventry SLS are certified trainers for Libresoft as well as being experienced trainers and cataloguers for the various MLS systems: Eclipse; Junior Librarian and Reading Cloud.
Library maintenance service
The library maintenance service provides Schools Library and Resource Service library assistants, fully trained in the practical aspects of library work, to tidy the library, undertake repairs, label and colour code resources. Please contact the Schools Library and Resource Service for an initial discussion of the type of support you require.

Schools Library and Resource Service
Address: Central LibrarySmithford Way