Annual loans
This service enables schools to access the top-quality printed resources available from SLS at a level specific to their resource needs which will enable them to meet the CILIP recommended stock levels of 13 books per pupil.
What does the Annual Loan Service include?
- Annual Loan per item for 1 year. Full exchange once per year; partial or interim exchanges by arrangement.
- 1 hour advisory visit per annum.
- Access to free telephone and email advice.
Included in the Annual Loan can be:
- Guided Reading sets
- Non-fiction and fiction (including specific authors and genres)
- Audio Books (including on preloaded MP3 players)
- Big Books
All loan stock will be initially delivered and collected by SLS.
Individual items from a collection may be exchanged within the loan period by visiting the SLS showroom.
Schools buying the Subscription Package can lease additional Annual Loan items to extend the collection of two items per capita they already receive.

Schools Library and Resource Service
Address: Central LibrarySmithford Way