Artefact loans
This service is included in the Subscription and Subscription Plus packages but can also be bought separately. The service includes all delivery and collections of the items.
The Artefact Loan service is designed to provide a cost-effective and efficient way for schools to enhance pupils' learning experiences with 'hands-on' experiences with a wide range of artefacts, which are often very expensive to purchase especially when they are only needed for short periods.
Purchase of this service is for the whole school and allows all teaching staff to borrow up to 4 items (or collections) at a time for a period of 3 weeks.
Find out more about what we offer
- History artefacts - including:
Stone/Iron Age, Aztecs/Mayans, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Anglo Saxons, Viking at Home, Viking Warrior Chief, Viking Raider, Peasants, Princes and Pestilence, Tudors, Knights and Castles, The Great Fire of London, Victorians, Seaside in the Past, World Wars, 1950's Toys, Pirates
- Geography artefacts - including:
Africa, China, Road Trip USA, Hola Mexico, Life in the Freezer, Chocolate, Seaside, Rainforests, Volcanos, Dol-Y-Moch Bag
- Science artefacts - including:
Digging Up The Past, Dinosaurs, Lifecycles, Minibeasts, Funny Bones, Light and Shadow, Forces and Magnets, Healthy Lifestyles.
- Design and Technology artefacts - including:
Alessi, Mechanical Toys, Masks, Joining Materials
- Religious Education artefacts - including:
Buddhism artefacts, Christianity artefacts, Hinduism artefacts, Islam artefacts, Judaism artefacts, Sikhism artefacts
Story Sacks - including:
Story Sacks and Story Sacks Plus, Number Sacks, Finding Out Sacks, Poetry and Rhyme sacks
Items available to support teaching and learning in the classroom include extensive collections of artefacts to support all aspects of the curriculum. A wide range of other teaching equipment such as incubators, planetariums, compasses, rock samples, anatomical models and the Dol-y-Moch bag.
For more information about the types of resources available please view our full artefacts catalogue.
How to order

Schools Library and Resource Service
Address: Central LibrarySmithford Way