Reading for pleasure
Please read our response to the updated DfE Reading Framework 2023 highlighting how Coventry SLS can help your school to implement the guidance on Reading for Pleasure
- Read the SLS response to the DfE Reading Framework 2023 (text only)
- Read the Reading Framework article
Multiple studies suggest that enjoyment is associated with higher reading performance. The recent 2021 PIRLS data for England showed that the pupils who said they liked reading the most scored, on average, 34 points more than those who said they did not like reading. In effect, pupils who are reading regularly for enjoyment give themselves unofficial reading lessons, supporting their reading comprehension. From the new Reading Framework (DFE, July 2023).
To support schools in encouraging pupils to read for enjoyment we offer a service that is ideal for schools that want to buy books for their school library rather than having loans but will equally complement schools who already have a subscription with SLS as this would be in addition to the resources you already receive.
To support reading development we have recently updated the Reading at home document we originally created during the lockdown. It provides information about free internet resources that can be used by parents to bolster reading and literacy learning.
Reading for pleasure package
This is a great way to keep your library collection up to date with a regular addition of new titles and all the information you need should you want to invest in purchasing additional books for your school. It includes:
- 25 books delivered at the beginning of each term selected by our specialist librarians from the Reading Update lists (from the end of the previous term) to add to your school library to keep your fiction collection up to date, relevant and diverse. The books selected will reflect a range of reading abilities and tastes and offer your students a wider choice of reading for pleasure material than just the standard best-seller books and celebrity authors.
The cost to the school is £660 per annum and for this, the school saves nearly a hundred pounds on the cost of the elements if bought individually as well as having the expert guidance of our specialist education librarians choosing the books for you.
If you feel your school library could do with more of an overhaul then please have a look at our Library Refresh Packages which takes all the hassle out of revamping your library offer!

Schools Library and Resource Service
Address: Central LibrarySmithford Way