Training and support
What do we offer?
- In-service training courses that deal with a range of library related issues. These can be school based or centrally organised.
- Reading Updates that provide termly briefings on the best newly published resources together with current awareness information on all matters connected to reading for pleasure.
- Regular Forums for Secondary school staff responsible for the school library to share good practice, training and information on new initiatives.
- Discounted training for school networks/clusters.
SLS training sessions available for 2024-25
Spring term
Visual Literacy – The power of pictures
Wednesday 6 March at 1.00pm-3.30pm
Unlike written language pictures cross cultural and language barriers and can convey complex ideas. In the digital world today’s children are growing up in the use of visual media is all pervasive and it is vital that we equip them with the skills to be able to understand and utilise this visual world. This course will help you to understand more about visual literacy and the meanings behind pictures and illustrations. It will also include practical tips and ideas to give your pupils greater visual literacy skills and find ways to enhance learning and reading for enjoyment through the power of pictures.
Reading for Pleasure and the new DfE Reading Framework
Tuesday 19 March at 9.30am - 12.00pm
The updated DfE Reading Framework recognises fully the importance and wide-ranging benefits of reading for pleasure. This training course will consider the benefits of reading for pleasure discussed in the Reading Framework and will outline a variety of approaches that can be used to get students to enjoy reading as well as how to engage your more reluctant readers.
Suitable for Primary and Secondary school staff
Summer Term
Fake news! - Information literacy skills, research skills and critical thinking
Tuesday 23 April at 1.00pm - 3.30pm
With social media becoming the predominant format used by young people to find out about current affairs it has never been more important to equip them with the right information literacy skills. This course will cover how to find, verify and critically appraise online information. It will also offer ways to teach these skills to students so that they are better prepared to navigate the online world.
Suitable for Primary and Secondary school staff/
Running the School Library
Wednesday 12 June at 9.30am -12.00pm
This course is designed to help staff with responsibility for the library to learn how to do so effectively. Make your library a positive asset to the school and maximise the learning opportunities that a well-run library can offer. The session will cover a range of practical skills as well as looking at some of the activities and library lessons that can be used with pupils. It aims to provide the participants with the knowledge required to develop information skills as well as reading for pleasure.
Suitable for Primary and Secondary school staff.
If you are already an SLS customer the cost of the training courses is £50 per person. For schools that are not SLS customers the cost is £65 per person.
To book a place on any of these training courses email with your details and the course you wish to attend.
Examples of INSET Courses SLS can deliver:
Reading Showcase
SLS will highlight the best new books to use in your classroom and to support a wide range of students in reading for pleasure. This can be tailored to target specific groups, key stages or cover the whole school. It is a great way to update teacher's book knowledge by giving them a chance to see and hear about the best new and diverse books available which is a key part of the new Reading Framework guidance.
Greenaway Shadowing and Visual Literacy
A look at how quality picture books can impact teaching, learning and developing literacy skills. This course will inspire and fully prepare you for the “shadowing” process with practical ideas to take back to school. Suitable for both Primary and Secondary school staff.
Reading for Pleasure
Encouraging children to read for pleasure is an important part of any literacy strategy. This course will outline a variety of approaches that can be used to get everyone in school reading. Learn how to make reading fun and enjoyable for everyone and engage your reluctant readers using the latest technology. It also covers practical advice on running reading clubs, Chatterbooks groups and whole school reading events. Suitable for both Primary and Secondary school staff.
Further information about training or library support
For more information on training or library support, please contact SLS on 024 7697 5485 or email with the subject "Training course enquiry"

Schools Library and Resource Service
Address: Central LibrarySmithford Way