Pupil Premium Plus

What is the Pupil Premium Plus and how can it be used?
The Pupil Premium Plus is extra funding provided by the Government to help narrow the attainment gap between looked after children and other children.
The Virtual Headteacher for looked after children is responsible for sending out funding and making sure it is used to help looked after children. It is recognised that different children need different levels of support at different times.
Schools are responsible for identifying the needs of each looked after child and planning support and interventions which will help the young person make better progress. Support will vary depending on the circumstances of each young person. Schools could also consider pooling some of the funding to provide relevant training to whole staff or particular groups.
Schools have to consider the likely impact of interventions using Pupil Premium Plus funding.
- DfE Pupil Premium pages (14) - pupil premium information for schools - including good practice examples of school website entries on Pupil Premium
- Evaluation of Pupil Premium: Research Report July 2013
- The Teaching and Learning Toolkit (based on Sutton Trust materials)
Virtual School
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