Information for social workers

Social Workers have an important part to play in supporting the education of looked after children. The Virtual School staff are aware of the wide range of responsibilities held by Social Workers and try to support them as much as possible where education is concerned.
All looked after children must have a current, high quality Personal Education Plan (PEP). The most recent guidance says the responsibility for making this happen is shared by Social Workers and schools.
For further information about PEPs and the online ePEP system, please contact the Virtual School
School Place: Please contact the Virtual School immediately if you are dealing with a looked after child who has no school place.
In almost every case, an admissions form will need to be completed. Do not delay in completing this form and returning it as instructed.
Download the School Move policy and guidance.
If a child is placed out of city, the Admission Team for the relevant local authority needs to be contacted.
These links will take you to the School Admissions page of some of Coventry's neighbouring authorities:
Virtual School
Our telephone is not monitored permanently during office hours. If your query is of an urgent nature please email us.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097