Information for designated teachers

- The role involves having a thorough understanding of the needs - educational, social and emotional – of the looked after children in the school, how they are being met and how successful any interventions have been.
- Statutory guidance (2018) states that the Designated Teacher (DT) for looked after children must be a qualified teacher who has completed the appropriate induction period and is working as a teacher at the school
- It may be a Head teacher or acting Head teacher of the school
- It should be a person who has had responsibility for promoting the educational achievement for LAC
- The Designated teacher should have sufficient influence in school to be able to ‘make things happen’ – ideally a place on SMT.
- The Designated teacher should ensure that every looked after child in the school has a current, high quality Personal Education Plan (PEP) in place.
- The Designated Teacher does not have to carry out all the day to day functions of the role and it is perfectly appropriate for non-teaching staff to carry out many of the tasks.
- The Virtual School offers training to staff who are new to this role
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