Supported Exempt Accommodation refers to properties in which the tenant receives care, support or supervision for the purpose of enabling them to live or adjust to living independently within the community.
To be classified as supported exempt accommodation:
- The landlord must be a voluntary organisation, a registered community interest company(CIC) or registered provider (housing association)
- The landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned whether this be ownership or lease.
- The tenant must need care, support or supervision.
- The ‘support’ to meet these needs must be provided by the landlord or on its behalf.
To be classified as a managed property:
- The landlord must be a voluntary organisation, a registered charity or registered provider (housing association).
- An appointed third party provides the care, support or supervision
- The landlord must have a legal interest in the property concerned (ownership or lease).
- The tenant must need ‘care, support or supervision.’
To be classified as a domestic abuse refuge:
- The landlord can be the same providers as above but can also be the Local Authority.
- The accommodation must be used wholly or mainly for non-permanent accommodation for people who have left their homes because of domestic abuse.
- There is no requirement that the tenant receives care, support or supervision.
To be classified as a hostel:
- Hostel cannot be self-contained.
- The ‘support’ to meet these needs must be provided by the landlord or on its behalf
View Coventry City Council's Strategic statement 2024 for Supported Exempt Accommodation.