New providers and schemes

Are you a new provider wishing to operate within Coventry? Are you an existing provider wishing to offer a new provision?
If you wish to enquire and register your interest in providing a new provision of Supported Exempt Accommodation in the city, you will need to complete the online enquiry form. Once completed, a member of the team will be in touch to discuss the next steps and how we can move your application forward.
Please see below a detailed explanation of the onboarding process for new providers and schemes in the City.
Step-by-step guide
- Complete the online enquiry form. This can be completed electronically, or a physical copy can be printed. An electronic copy of the form will be sent directly to the Support Exempt Inbox.
- The Supported Exempt Accommodation team will check the enquiry form. A decision will then be made as to whether or not the application will be accepted or refused based on the information provided. Where an enquiry form is rejected or further information is required, the Supported Exempt Accommodation Officer from Housing Benefit will be in touch.
- If the application has been accepted an email will be sent from the Supported Exempt Accommodation Officer requesting that a full application pack be completed. Providers will be supplied with the following documents.
- New Provider Application Form
- Staff Structure breakdown
- Rent Breakdown Spreadsheet, including eligible and ineligible service charges.
Failure to complete these documents in full will delay the onboarding process.
- Provider to email back application form, staff structure, rent breakdown and the following supporting evidence as requested on the application form:
- A signed head lease for each of the properties
- Copy of all service level agreements that are in place.
- Copies of support plans for each resident ensuring it is signed and dated by the resident and the support worker.
- The Supported Exempt Accommodation Officer from Housing Benefit will then use the information provided and consider the content of application and rent breakdown. This will then be discussed with the wider Support Exempt Accommodation Team. If required, further information will be requested from provider and queries to be made.
- The Principal Environmental Health Officer and Quality Officer will then make arrangements with the provider for visits to take place at all the proposed addresses. As part of this visit, checks will be made against the initial applications, along with the quality of the support and the property standards.
- The Supported Exempt Accommodation team will then meet to discuss the outcome of the visits. It is at this point that a decision will be made on whether Housing Benefit is ready to agree.
- Following a decision, the provider will be invited to a panel that takes place once a month to discuss the council's expectations and Coventry City Council's Guide to Standards for Supported Exempt Accommodation. If the provisions support a particular client group, we may invite a colleague with expertise in this area to the panel. After the panel, providers will be sent feedback via email.