Supported Housing Improvement Programme

Coventry City Council has been successful in receiving funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities as part of the £20 million government fund to toughen inspection of failing landlords and improve support for residents in supported housing.
Our proposal focussed on creating a virtual team, increasing resources in regulatory services and within our housing benefit team along with creating a dedicated quality officer post that sits within our housing service.
The new team are undertaking a range of activities including;
- Monitoring the quality of provision and service.
- Offering Support, advice and guidance for new and existing providers.
- Providing scrutiny of Housing Benefit claims in terms of Value For Money and quality of support plans.
- Develop a programme of multi-disciplinary inspection ensuring quality and compliance of the assets in regard to minimum standards and regulatory compliance.
- Review support arrangements, including safeguarding, through person-centred assessments of the support being provided to individuals.
- Work with community safety, the fire service, and the police to co-ordinate multi-agency responses to issues or concerns that arise.
- Responding to reactive complaints, proactive management and compliance inspections and spot checks.
Read the Government's Supported Housing Improvement Programme prospectus.