Coventry City Council looks after a huge amount of information, including personal details of people who live in the city.
Personal Data can be collected in person on paper, in e-mails, over the phone, through CCTV or other forms.
We need this information so we can provide the right services to the right people. We know this information is important and we work hard to keep it safe and make sure that any information we collect is handled in the right way.
The type of information we collect, how we use it and the rights that you have, depends on which service you are using.
Our Privacy Notices explain how we use information about you - and how we protect it.
Who we are
Coventry City Council provides services to the people of Coventry. Some of the services we deliver are:
- Adult and Children's Social Care
- Library Services, schools and learning
- Council Tax and Housing Benefits
- Parks and Open Spaces
- Planning
- Environment and waste
We are a Data Controller under Data Protection Law so we are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and we have a Data Protection Officer (DPO), Adrian West, who is supported by the DPO Team. They can be contacted at: []
Why we collect personal data about you
We need to collect and hold information about you, so that we can:
- Deliver services and support the people of the city
- Investigate any worries or complaints you may have about your service
- Do the things that the law says we have to do
- Understand your needs so that we are able to provide the right services
- Make sure your records and contact details are correct
- Prevent and detect crime
- Handle finances
What personal information we collect from you
The information we may need to collect from you will depend on what service you are using. Some of the information we collect is ‘Personal Data’ and some is classed as ‘Special Category Data’.
Some examples of Personal Data are:
- Name
- Address
- Date of birth
- Email address
- Bank details
- Telephone number
Some examples of Special Category Data are:
- Race
- Religion
- Trade Union membership
- Ethnic origin
- Politics
- Health
How we use your information
We will use your personal data for a limited number of purposes and always within the rules of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPOA2018)/UKGDPR.
This will include:
- For the reason you gave us your details – such as providing benefit after you fill in a form – and to make sure we give you the best service
- To help us talk to you and give you what you need – such as arranging access for people with mobility problems
- To meet the law in areas such as licensing, planning, trading standards and food safety
- To work with other organisations like the government to handle grants, payments and benefits
- To collect money owed to us
- Where you have given us permission
- To protect people from harm where needed and to prevent – or detect - crime.
- Staff administration
- To meet our legal duties
There are a number of legal reasons why we need to collect and use your personal information:
- You, or your legal representative, have given consent
- You have entered into a contract with us
- To perform our legal duties
- To protect someone in an emergency
- For employment purposes
- To deliver health or social care services
- You have made your information publicly available
- For legal cases
- For the benefit of society as a whole
- To protect public health
- For records or research
If we have your permission to use your personal information, you can change your mind and remove it at any time – just contact [].
We will only collect and use your personal information if we need it to deliver a service or because we have to by law and we will collect only the details we need.
If we use your personal information for research and analysis, we will not use your name unless you say we can.
We will not sell your personal information to other organisations.
Public Health Services
We are responsible for Public Health Services and we need to process personal information such as medical details to help this work. This information will be handled in the same way as all other personal information. Further details can be found in the Public Health Services Privacy Notice []
Employee Data
We will handle personal information for people who work – or have worked – at the Council, councillors and other elected officials and volunteers for all employment purposes, such as pay and pensions. Further details can be found in the HR Privacy Notice []
How we protect your information
We do everything we can to keep your information safe and make sure that only the right people are allowed to see it.
We do this by:
- testing our ways of working and security so we can make sure they are the best they can be
- training staff every year on Data Protection and Information Security
- assessing any changes to our system and the effect they could have on the safety of your information
- we will not keep your information longer than it is needed or where the law states how long this should be kept. We will dispose of paper records or delete any electronic personal information in a secure way
- we will investigate data incidents where we have found that your personal information may have or has been disclosed inappropriately and attempt to recover any data
Who we share your information with
Sometimes we may need to share your information with other organisations. When this happens we have an agreement that they will keep your details safe, obey the Data Protection law and only use them for the reasons you asked.
These agreements are called Data Sharing Agreements (DSA). Before we do anything, we check to make sure your details will be protected.
We will ask your permission before we share details, unless we have to protect someone and stop them getting hurt, or because of legal reasons such as:
- if we take a child into care
- if the court orders us to provide the information
- if someone is taken into care under mental health law
Sometimes we will share information when we think that sharing is much more important than your privacy, such as:
- to protect a child or adult at risk of harm
- if there are serious risks to the public, our staff or to other professionals
- to find and stop crime
If we have to share information urgently and cannot contact you first, we will make a record of what we share and why we shared it and let you know what we have done and why - if we think it is safe to do so.
Coventry City Council works with other health and social care organisations to share information that will form part of your Integrated Care Record. The Integrated Care Record allows health and care professionals involved in your care to view your records to help them understand your needs and make the best decisions with you, and for you. Information we hold about you will be available, to read only, to other Health and care professionals in Coventry and Warwickshire, Birmingham and Solihull, and Herefordshire and Worcestershire when they are involved in your health or social care.
For more information on how your data is used on the Integrated Care Record and how to exercise your rights please see the full Privacy Notice [].
National Data Opt-Out
This applies to organisations that handle data that originates within the health and adult social care systems in England. It provides a choice to patients about how their confidential patient information is used for purposes other than their individual care and treatment. NHS England » How the NHS and care services use your information: the National Data Opt-Out []
The Council complies with the National Data Opt-out standards.
National Data Op-out compliance statement []
How long your information will be held for
We will only keep your information as long as we need to so we can give you the service you need, unless we have to keep it for legal reasons. The time can be different depending on the service you have asked for.
Your communication with the Council
If we record or monitor any telephone calls that you make to us, we will tell you at the beginning of the call.
All calls received by our Customer Service Centre are recorded and kept for 8 weeks before being permanently deleted.
If you email us, we may keep a record of the email and your email address. We will not put confidential information in an email unless you agree.
When you contact us by email, please do not include any confidential information that is not really needed. Password protect emails or use our secure online forms and services.
A 'My Account' created when you contact us will remain permanently unless you request this to be deleted.
Service Requests logged via email form or customer contact are retained for three years before being deleted.
'Live Chat' - only the original question asked is retained, all other information is automatically deleted when the chat box window is closed.
We have CCTV in some buildings – and outside them - to keep people safe and prevent crime. They are also on some roads and in areas such as recycling sites.
There will always be a sign saying CCTV is being used and telling you who to contact if you want information about the scheme.
Images captured by CCTV will only be kept as long as they are needed.
You have the right to see CCTV images of yourself and get copies.
Our Enforcement Officers within Parking Services, Regulatory Service and Environmental Services wear cameras and microphones to:
- help keep them safe
- reduce any risk of trouble or confrontation
- record details if there is a crime
You have the right to see these images and hear the recordings and get copies.
These images and recordings will only be shared for the right reasons and will never be put online or passed to the media for entertainment purposes.
Emergency Service Unit - CCTV Privacy Notice []
Your rights
At the time personal information is collected, an individual has a right to be informed about how that information will be used. This includes the purpose for the processing, the legal basis, recipients and categories of recipients of the information.
The right to access to your information
You have the right to ask for all the information we hold about you, this is called a Subject Access Request. When you send us a written request we must give you all the details we have about you - usually within one month – but we cannot share parts of your record that could include:
- information about other people
- things that could cause harm to you or someone else
- things that would stop us preventing or detecting a crime.
Details on how to apply can be found here []
The right to have your details corrected
You have a right to correct inaccurate personal information an organisation may hold about them.
Right to be forgotten
In some cases, you can ask us to delete information, for example:
- Where your personal information is no longer needed for the reason it was collected
- Where you have removed your consent for us to use your information
- Where there is no legal reason for the use of your information
- Where deleting the information is needed by law
You can ask us to stop processing your personal details for any Council service and we will do so if we can and it is allowed by law, but this may affect our ability to provide you with services.
Where your personal information has been shared with others, we’ll do what we can to make sure those organisations delete it.
The Right to be forgotten will not apply and we won’t be able to delete your information where:
- to comply with a legal obligation
- to exercise the right of freedom of expression and information
- for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority
- for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific research, historical research or statistical purposes where erasure is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of that processing; or
- for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims
You can ask to limit what we use your personal data for
You have the right to ask us to limit what we use your personal information for where:
- you have told us information is wrong
- where we have no legal reason to use that information, but you do not want it totally deleted.
You have the right to ask us to stop using your personal information for any Council service, but this could affect how we deliver the service.
Where possible we will do what you ask, but we may have to keep some information because of legal reasons.
You can ask to have your information moved to another provider (data portability)
This allows individuals to obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services. It allows them to move, copy or transfer personal data easily from one IT environment to another in a safe and secure way, without affecting its' usability. This will not apply to many Council services.
Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling
You have the right to question decisions made about you by a computer, unless it’s required for any contract you have entered into, required by law, or you have given permission. You can ask to have any decisions made by computers explained to you.
You also have the right to object if you are being ‘profiled’. Profiling is where decisions are made about you based on certain things in your personal information, such as health conditions.
If and when we use your personal information to profile you to help deliver services, we will tell you.
Right to object
You have the right to object to your details being processed and to ask us to stop.
This right only applies in certain circumstances.
You have the absolute right to object if your details are being used for direct marketing purposes.
You can object if the processing is for:
- a task carried out in the public interest
- for official Council reasons
- legitimate interests
In these circumstances the right to object is not absolute.
If we are processing data for scientific or historical research, or statistical purposes, the right to object is more limited.
For more detailed information about your right to object, please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website [].
Contact us
We have a Data Protection Officer (DPO), supported by a team to make sure we respect your rights and obey the law. If you have any concerns or questions about how we look after your personal information, please contact the Data Protection Officer, Adrian West, at [].
How to make a complaint to the Council
If you wish to complain about your personal data privacy or information rights, please first contact the service you are using.
If you wish to raise the matter with the Data Protection Officer, use the contact details above.
You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), an independent body set up to protect information rights in the UK. They can also offer advice and can be contacted through their website [].
Changes to this privacy notice
We will continually review and update this Privacy Notice to reflect changes in our services and feedback from service users, as well as to meet any changes in the law.
When we make changes, we will change the “last updated” date at the end of this notice. If there are major changes to this Notice, or the way we use your personal data, we will advertise the changes on the main page of our website and in Council offices.
We would ask you to visit our website from time to time to check for any updates and keep informed on how we are protecting your information.
Last review date: October 2023
Privacy notices for our services
- Accounts Payable [/accountspayableprivacynotice]
- Admissions [/admissionsprivacynotice]
- Adult Education [/adulteducationprivacynotice]
- Adult Social Care [/ascprivacynotice]
- Affordable Warmth [/affordablewarmthprivacynotice]
- All Age Disability [/allagedisabilityprivacynotice]
- Annual Director of Public Health Report 2023/24 - Migrant Health [/migranthealthprivacynotice]
- Apprenticeships and Early Careers [/apprenticeshipsearlycareersprivacynotice]
- Attendance and Children Missing Education team [/attendanceteamprivacynotice]
- Bands in the Park [/bandsintheparkprivacynotice]
- Benefits [/benefitsprivacynotice]
- Bereavement Services [/bereavementservicesprivacynotice]
- Bettercare Self-Serve Financial Assessment Platform [/bettercareprivacynotice]
- Blue Badge [/bluebadgeprivacynotice]
- British National Overseas (Hong Kong Project) [/bnoprivacynotice]
- Building Control [/buildingcontrolprivacynotice]
- Business Compliance [/tradingstandardsprivacynotice]
- Business Rates, BIDs and COVID-19 Business Grant funding [/businessratesprivacynotice]
- Business Support [/businesssupportprivacynotice]
- Business Sustain [/businesssustainprivacynotice]
- Children's Citizenship Ceremony Project []
- Children's Services [/childrensservicesprivacynotice]
- City services [/water-management-flooding/flooding-survey-privacy-notice]
- Climate change [/climatechangedepartmentprivacynotice]
- Commercial Property Management [/commercialpropertymanagementprivacynotice]
- Community Care - therapy, adaptation and telecare [/communitycareprivacynotice]
- Community Care 65+ [/communitycare65privacynotice]
- Community Resilience [/communityresilienceprivacynotice]
- Community Safety Partnership consultations [/community-living/community-safety-partnership-consultations-privacy-notice]
- Conference Coventry and Warwickshire []
- Coombe Abbey Park [/coombeabbeyprivacynotice]
- Coroner’s service [/coronerserviceprivacynotice]
- Corporate Income [/corporateincomeprivacynotice]
- Council Tax [/counciltaxprivacynotice]
- #CovConnects [/covconnectsprivacynotice]
- Coventry Alternative Provision (CAP) Privacy Notice [/capprivacynotice]
- Coventry Grows []
- Coventry Homefinder [/coventryhomefinderprivacynotice]
- Coventry Integrated Community Equipment Service [/ICESprivacynotice]
- Coventry Peace Festival [/coventrypeacefestivalprivacynotice]
- Coventry Youth Justice Service Diversion project [/cyjsdiversionsprivacynotice]
- COVID-19 Response Activity [/covid19responseactivityprivacynotice]
- CSW Resilience Team [/cswresilienceteamprivacynotice]
- Customer Services [/customerservicesprivacynotice]
- Cycling training [/cycletrainingprivacynotice]
- Discretionary Grants and Awards [/discretionarygrantsprivacynotice]
- Early Help Support [/earlyhelpsupportprivacynotice]
- Early Years [/earlyyearsprivacynotice]
- Early Years Parent Survey 2024 [/eyparentsurvey2024privacynotice]
- Ecology and biodiversity [/ecologybiodiversityprivacynotice]
- Electoral Services [/electoralservicesprivacynotice]
- Elections employment [/electionsemploymentprivacynotice]
- Elective home education [/elective-home-education/coventry-city-council-ccc-privacy-notice-elective-home-education]
- Emergency Service Unit – CCTV [/esuprivacynotice]
- Employment Business Support [/employmentbusinesssupportprivacynotice]
- Employment and Skills Service [/essprivacynotice]
- Employment and Skills Service Survey [/esssurveyprivacynotice]
- Engagement workshops [/engagementworkshopsprivacynotice]
- Exclusions [/inclusionprivacynotice]
- Family values data set [/familyvaluesprivacynotice]
- Fleet Management [/fleetmanagementprivacynotice]
- Food Safety [/foodsafetyprivacynotice]
- Food Union [/foodunionprivacynotice]
- Fostering [/fosteringprivacynotice]
- Fostering recruitment []
- Free school meals []
- Go CV [/gocvprivacynotice]
- Governor Support Service [/governorsupportserviceprivacynotice]
- Green Business Network [/climate-change/green-business-privacy-notice]
- Health Protection Community Grant [/health-wellbeing/health-protection-community-grant-privacy-notice]
- Heritage Open Days [/HODprivacynotice]
- Holocaust Memorial Day event [/hmdprivacynotice]
- Holiday Activities and Food Programme [/hafpprivacynotice]
- Homelessness Prevention Service [/homelessnessprivacypolicy]
- Hospital Education Service - parents and carers privacy notices []
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) [/hmoprivacynotice]
- Human Resources [/HRprivacynotice]
- HR Traded Services [/HRtradedservicesprivacynotice]
- Information Governance [/infogovprivacynotice]
- Insurance Services [/insuranceservicesprivacynotice]
- Internally Provided Services (IPS) [/ipsprivacynotice]
- Job Shop [/jobshopprivacynotice]
- Let's Rent Coventry []
- Let's Talk [/letstalkprivacynotice]
- Libraries [/librariesprivacynotice]
- Licensing [/licensingprivacynotice]
- Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) feedback [/mspfeedbackprivacynotice]
- MeLearning [/melearningprivacynotice]
- Modern slavery []
- Monitoring and Response Lone Worker Service []
- Monitoring and Response Service []
- Monitoring and Response Service - Public Space CCTV []
- Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing [/occhealthsafetywellbeingprivacynotice]
- Our Coventry Programme - Migration Team []
- Participation team [/participationteamprivacynotice]
- Parking Services [/parkingservicesprivacynotice]
- Penalty Charge Notices [/penaltychargenoticesprivacynotice]
- People in Positions of Trust [/pptprivacynotice]
- Petitions [/petitionsprivacynotice]
- Places providing a Warm Welcome [/warmwelcomeprivacynotice]
- Planning [/planningprivacynotice]
- Planning policy [/planningpolicyprivacynotice]
- Plas Dol Y Moch [/plasdolymochprivacynotice]
- Positive Directions-Edge of Care Questionnaire []
- Procurement Services Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Baseline Survey [/ProcurementEDISurveyPrivacyNotice]
- Public Health [/publichealthprivacynotice]
- Register Office and Cheylesmore Manor Ceremony Suite [/registerofficeCMCSprivacynotice]
- Regulatory Services [/regulatoryservicesprivacynotice]
- Resettlement [/resettlementprivacynotice]
- Residents' parking schemes [/residentsparkingschemeprivacynotice]
- Safety Advisory Group [/sagprivacynotice]
- School Appeals Independent Panel Members [/schoolappealsipmprivacynotice]
- Schools Library and Resource Service [/slsprivacynotice]
- School travel passes [/schooltravelpassesprivacynotice]
- SEND Support Service [/SENDsupportserviceprivacynotice]
- SEN Travel Assistance [/SENtravelassistanceprivacynotice]
- Self-build and custom housebuilding register [/selfbuildregisterprivacynotice]
- Shared Lives []
- Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 2.1 [/decarbonisationfundprivacynotice]
- Sports, Culture and Destination Sector Support [/sportsculturedestinationprivacynotice]
- Statutory Assessment and Review Service [/Statutoryassessmentandreviewservice]
- Taxi Licensing [/taxilicensingprivacynotice]
- Telecare [/telecareprivacynotice]
- The Pod [/thepodprivacynotice]
- Time Union [/timeunionprivacynotice]
- Traffic Management [/trafficmanagementprivacynotice]
- Transport and Highways consultations []
- Transport and infrastructure []
- Travel Assistance [/travelassistanceprivacynotice]
- Virtual School [/virtualschoolprivacynotice]
- Visit Coventry []
- Waste Services [/wasteservicesprivacynotice]
- Whistleblowing [/whistleblowingprivacynotice]
Video conferencing user agreement
When you join a virtual call with Council staff there are a number of points that need to be considered before joining the call.
Below are the details of the terms to participate in a virtual call. However, if after reading this agreement you are not satisfied with the terms, please disconnect the call immediately.
Your continuation of the call will be deemed to be acceptance of the terms.
Participants in the call agree to the following terms:
- Not to record the call in any way by photographing, filming, screen shooting recording or sharing the call on any device without prior agreement from all participants in the call;
- Not to invite others into the call where this has not been agreed with all participants prior to the call;
- Not to allow individuals other than the call participants to overhear and/or view confidential subject matter on the call. (Use of an audio headset to maintain privacy may assist with this);
- Not to screen share inappropriate documents with participants in the call;
- To behave to the same professional standard as a face to face meeting;
- To use professional language when using the chat function;
- To use a neutral background if using the camera tool; and
- To (where required by the participants of the call) keep information shared in the call confidential at all times. (Unless such information indicates that an individual is or could be at risk of harm.)
Download this agreement as an image [].