Privacy Notice - Community Resilience Team

This Privacy Notice explains how Coventry City Councils' Community Resilience Team will use your personal information, and who it will be shared with.

Why we need information about you

We collect your name and contact details so that we can provide the following services

  • Contact database and newsletter
  • Giveaway Schemes
  • Funding and grants programmes
  • To provide support including funding and setting up groups
  • Invites to stakeholder meetings that may be useful to you
  • Transfer of Assets and Services

We use this information so that we can:

  • Monitor how the services we provide are used
  • Know what benefits we get from our giveaway schemes and funding/grant programmes
  • Help us to stay in touch with you about our service
  • Complete statistical reports for Government departments
  • Deliver and improve our services
  • Let you know information that may be useful to your organisation and the people you support.

The lawful reason we rely on is public task because we need your personal data as a Council to perform tasks in the public interest.

Who we share your data with

We do not share your information with other organisations but share it with the following Council departments. We share:

  • Asset and services transfer information with Property Services so that they can support us in the decision-making process.
  • Asset and Services transfer information with the Internal Audit Team to make sure that the Council's money is used correctly.
  • Details of grant applications with the Finance Team allowing us to transfer funding to successful applicants 

How long we keep your information for

We will only keep your information for as long as we need it. Information used for marketing and management is kept for 6 years, or for 6 years after the funding or monitoring period.

Your rights

You have the right to:

  1. Ask for a copy of your information
  2. Have any wrong information about you corrected
  3. Have information erased
  4. Restrict processing of your information

To exercise any of these rights please contact the Community Resilience Team and/or email


You have the right to submit a complaint if you are unhappy with the way your request is handled or disagree with a decision made by the Council regarding your data. In these circumstances you can contact the Data Protection Team (DPO) and request a review of the decision. 

If you are not satisfied with any outcome from the DPO you may wish to apply to the Information Commissioners Office at:

The Information Commissioners Office,

Wycliffe House,

Water Lane,





Date of last review: February 2025