Coventry City Council complies with the Data Protection Act and the UK GDPR and is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as a Data Controller.

This privacy notice explains how personal information is going to be used, what for, who it will be shared with and why.

Why we collect and hold personal data about you

We collect and hold personal information relating to waste collection services, including reporting of missed bins, assisted waste collection requests, bin requests, bulky waste collections and complaints.
We use this information to:

  • Provide you with necessary and appropriate services
  • Help us to develop and improve our services
  • Complete statistical returns to Government and internal departments

We process personal data in order to carry out duties necessary to comply with our legal obligations for the collection of household waste in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1990.

What information do we collect about you?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact information (phone number and/or email address)

Who we share data with

We will only share data where services are operated by a third party organisation, these include:

  • Emmaus for bulky waste collections
  • Coventry and Solihull Waste Disposal Company (CSWDC) for use of the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre
  • Citizen Housing where we are alerted to an issue on their site
  • PermiServ for the issue of Garden Waste permits
  • PHS for clinical waste disposal

How long will we keep your information?

We will only keep your information as long as required to provide a high quality service, unless we are required to keep it longer for legal reasons. All requests are made through My Account, which retains information for two years.
Information retained by the Waste Services Team will be reviewed every two years.

Reports sent to third party contractors will be kept for no longer than 12 months for the purpose of reporting, verification and complaint investigation.

Your rights

You have the right to:

  1. Ask to see the information that we hold about you (also known as a Subject Access Request)
  2. Ask us to change the information we hold about you if it is wrong
  3. Ask us to delete the information we hold about you
  4. Ask us to limit the way we use your information
  5. Data portability (have your data transferred to another Authority)
  6. Question decisions made about you by a computer
  7. Complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office

To exercise any of these rights please contact Waste Services (


You have the right to submit a complaint if you are unhappy with the way your request is handled or disagree with a decision made by the council regarding your data. In these circumstances you can contact the Data Protection Team (DPO) and request a review of the decision on

If you are not satisfied with any outcome from the DPO you may wish to apply to the Information Commissioner's Office at:
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Date of last review: March 2024