
Should you choose to go ahead with a memorial we ask that you observe the following guidelines.

  • Do not leave anything that will not biodegrade such as offerings of coins, clothing, ribbons, balloons or jewellery at the site.
  • Do not leave plastic flowers, notes, ornaments or physical structures at the site.
  • Do not install fencing, surrounds, gravel or decorative stones at the site.
  • Real flowers may be left at the time of placing or planting and at each subsequent annual anniversary if you wish, but please remove them after one to two weeks as they can impact on other visitors enjoying the site with their families. Flowers on site after two weeks will be removed by council staff.
  • Flowers at memorial trees should be left at the base of the tree and not attached or tied to the tree in any way.
  • Do not cut the grass around the base of the tree or prune the tree yourself.
  • Do not plant any additional shrubs, annual flowers or plants at the base of the tree. Some appropriate flowering bulb species will be allowed upon request.
  • Alternative memorial stone/plaque designs are not permitted.

Parks Service

Address: Whitley Depot
259 London Road

Telephone: 08085 834333