Types of memorial

Types of memorial, description and prices

Type of memorial

Typical Illustration

Price (depends on site)

Restrictions apply and installation costs may vary.

Additional information

Formal Bench (general)

Black memorial bench with plaqueClose up of plaque on memorial bench




Wooden benches are not offered on most sites.

War Memorial Park and Coombe Abbey Park: Maintenance included with cost. Replacement not included.

Other sites: Maintenance and replacement not included with cost.

Formal Bench (War Memorial Park) Georgian seat with geometric poppy logo plate


War Memorial Park - Cast iron and wood slat bench.

War Memorial Park: Maintenance included with cost. Replacement not included.



Memorial tree without a plaque


Costs include watering for 12 months to help the tree establish and replacement costs if tree fails in first three years.

Tree and plaque Memorial tree


£810 Costs include watering for 12 months to help the tree establish and replacement costs if tree fails in first three years.
Tree, plaque and wood corral Memorial tree with plaque and wood corral



Costs include watering for 12 months to help the tree establish and replacement costs if tree fails in first three years.

(Tree and wood corral, no plaque- £620)

Corrals not suitable at all sites.

Parks Service

Address: Whitley Depot
259 London Road

Telephone: 08085 834333