Previously looked after children: information and advice for schools and education settings

Local authorities have a duty under section 23ZZA of the Children Act 1989 (inserted by section 4 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017) to promote the educational achievement of previously looked-after children in their area by providing information and advice to:
- any person that has parental responsibility for the child;
- providers of funded early years education, designated teachers for previously looked-after children in maintained schools and academies; and
- any other person the authority considers appropriate for promoting the educational achievement of relevant children
Coventry's Virtual School is able to give educational information and advice to parents, guardians and education settings of previously looked-after children attending maintained schools and academies based in Coventry. Maintained schools and academies must have a designated teacher responsible for previously looked-after children.
A previously looked-after child (PLAC) is a child who was in care to an English or Welsh local authority at the point at which they were adopted, made subject to a Special Guardianship Order (SGO), or a Child Arrangements Order (previously Residency Order). Children who were adopted from state care elsewhere in the world are also previously looked-after children, but do not qualify for the Pupil Premium Plus.
We are able to give information and advice for most ages, from the term after the child turns two until the end of statutory education, Year 11 (which is currently the last Friday in June when the child has turned sixteen, or will do by the end of the summer break).
Previously looked-after children sometimes have additional educational needs compared to other children and we are here to offer information and advice.
Guidance for maintained schools and academies
Designated teacher for looked after and previously looked-after children on GOV.UK
Unique Pupil Number
It is standard practice for children adopted from care to be issued with a new Unique Pupil Number (UPN) to break the link between the pre-adoption and post-adoption record. Page 13 of the Unique Pupil Numbers guidance on GOV.UK gives guidance about a new UPN for adopted children.
How you promote educational achievement
You may find the following publication a helpful starting point.
Meeting the needs of adopted and permanently placed children: A guide for school staff on PAC UK
Personal Education Plans (PEP)
There’s no statutory requirement for a PEP for previously looked after children. However, you should have regular meetings with the child and their parents, guardians or carers to:
- discuss the child’s educational strengths and needs
- record all agreed actions
Meetings with parents, guardians and carers of previously looked after children could be recorded on these forms:
Virtual School
Our telephone is not monitored permanently during office hours. If your query is of an urgent nature please email us.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097