Funding for previously looked after children

Funding is available to support the education of any previously looked-after child (i.e.has been in the care of the local authority and then adopted in England or Wales, subject to an SGO or child arrangement order) from when the child begins early years provision through to them finishing compulsory education, where the child is in provision funded in part or in full by the state in maintained schools or academies.
The school will receive PLAC funding from central Government in the same way they do for pupil premium. Those adopted outside of England and Wales are not eligible. In order for the school to receive this money parents must self-declare that they have a previously looked-after child. The head teacher should request sight of the legal paperwork, it may be a court order or certificate.
Please note parents are not obliged to declare this information and schools need to be sensitive to the confidential nature of this information. The school will then record this information on the October school census and receive the funding in the following financial year along with the FSM pupil premium. If a child is not recorded as PLAC for the October census then they will not receive the funding. (This has recently changed from January to October)
The Coventry Virtual School is able to advise schools on what it may spend the funding on. It is best practice to involve parents or carers in expenditure decisions given the additional needs of post looked-after children.
Virtual School
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Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097