Multi-agency learning events
Each year we hold a series of three multi-agency learning events on hot topics, identified by practitioners and related to our priorities. Each event is led by subject matter experts. It is an opportunity for practitioners from all agencies to come together to learn about complex safeguarding issues and to improve their practice as a result.
Latest events
- Self Neglect and Hoarding
- Learning disability awareness learning event:
- Liberty Protection Safeguards - what we know so far
- Loan shark and scams learning event
- Homicide timeline training:
Previous events
- Learning Event 16 October 2019 – Modern Slavery
- Learning Event 24 June 2019 – Financial Scamming and Fraud
- Learning Event 18 March 2019 - Advocacy
- Tuesday 27 September 2018 (2pm - 4.30pm)
- Tuesday 13 March 2018 - Domestic Abuse & Coercive Control:
- Wednesday 6 June 2018 - Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking:
If you would like to receive the latest information about any upcoming events then please submit your email address and you will receive the quarterly newsletters.
Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board (CSAB)
This team cannot take calls related to individuals or families. To discuss an individual or a case please contact Adult Social Care Direct on 024 7683 3003 or email Remember, if it's an emergency, dial 999.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097