Multi-Agency Workforce Development Strategy
Our Workforce Development Strategy 2023 - 2026 [] outlines the Coventry Safeguarding Adults Boards approach to providing a workforce that is equipped to meet the safeguarding needs of those adults with care and support needs across the city. The strategy outlines how best the workforce can be monitored and the training evaluated.
The strategy has been produced by the Workforce Development Subgroup of the Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board.
Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board (CSAB)
This team cannot take calls related to individuals or families. To discuss an individual or a case please contact Adult Social Care Direct on 024 7683 3003 or email Remember, if it's an emergency, dial 999.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Our training plan identifies the training that is available from each partner organisation and how this can be accessed.
As a Board we also organise three multi-agency learning events each year which focus on various topics in order to raise understanding and awareness.
These is no charge for attendance and these are open to all partner agencies.
To receive updated information about all the upcoming training events please sign up to the adult newsletter.
Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board (CSAB)
This team cannot take calls related to individuals or families. To discuss an individual or a case please contact Adult Social Care Direct on 024 7683 3003 or email Remember, if it's an emergency, dial 999.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Multi-agency learning events
Each year we hold a series of three multi-agency learning events on hot topics, identified by practitioners and related to our priorities. Each event is led by subject matter experts. It is an opportunity for practitioners from all agencies to come together to learn about complex safeguarding issues and to improve their practice as a result.
Latest events
- YouTube recording []
- Self Neglect and Hoarding
- Professor Suzy Braye - Safeguarding people who self neglect: What goes wrong and what goes right []
- Enabling Spaces []
- West Midlands Fire Service - Hoarding and Fire Risk []
- We have also produced a poster of local hoarding resources and information []
- Learning disability awareness learning event:
- Part One []
- Part Two []
- Liberty Protection Safeguards - what we know so far
- The event was recorded and can be accessed online. []
- Loan shark and scams learning event
- Meeting recording []
- Homicide timeline training:
- Slideshow presentation []
- Homicide timeline []
Previous events
- Learning Event 16 October 2019 – Modern Slavery
- Learning Event 24 June 2019 – Financial Scamming and Fraud [/downloads/file/32208/learning_event_24_june_2019_-_financial_scamming_and_fraud]
- Learning Event 18 March 2019 - Advocacy [/downloads/file/32207/learning_event_18_march_2019_-_advocacy]
- Tuesday 27 September 2018 (2pm - 4.30pm)
- Tuesday 13 March 2018 - Domestic Abuse & Coercive Control:
- See Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board Domestic Abuse & Coercive Control presentation [/downloads/file/27364/csab_multi-agency_event_130318]
- See Brighter Future's presentation [/downloads/file/27365/brighter_futures_presentation_130318]
- Wednesday 6 June 2018 - Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking:
- See Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking presentation [/downloads/file/27366/csab_multi_agency_learning_presentation_060618]
If you would like to receive the latest information about any upcoming events then please submit your email address [] and you will receive the quarterly newsletters.
Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board (CSAB)
This team cannot take calls related to individuals or families. To discuss an individual or a case please contact Adult Social Care Direct on 024 7683 3003 or email Remember, if it's an emergency, dial 999.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097