How to get to the Hub
Bus routes
The main bus routes that will stop nearest to the hub are the number 3 and 52 which are National Express buses Stagecoach also run numbers 51, 56 and 56B and all stop on Holbrook Lane outside Holbrook park bus stop near the Unicorn Social Club.
On-demand buses
West Midlands Bus On Demand is a new type of bus service that anyone travelling in the Coventry area can use. It does not follow a specific route. Instead, you book a journey and a bus will pick you up at a time you choose.
Ring and Ride
Ring and Ride is a door-to-door transport service for anyone who lives in the urban areas of the West Midlands that finds it difficult or impossible to use normal public transport.
The service is particularly ideal for:
- anyone suffering from a temporary injury (such as a broken leg, a sprain, a sports injury or recovering from an operation);
- young and elderly people who find it physically difficult to use public transport
- disabled people who want the convenience of a door-to-door service.

Coventry Dementia Partnership Hub
Address: Everdon Road,Holbrooks,