The Dementia Hub - how it all started
Originally published in Dementia Voice newsletter (for Alzheimer's Society and 3NDWG).

Top Row: Tina (facilitator); Jan; Ken M Middle row: Ken H; David; John T Bottom row: Sharon (facilitator); Tommy
I think we would all agree that Covid was problematic and was an awful time for many, but some good things did come out of it. One being that the Coventry and Warwickshire local dementia voice group (FOD) rose to the technology challenge of continuing to meet over Zoom, and the other being the conception of…a dementia hub in Coventry.
During Covid, Coventry City Council found itself with Maymorn (one of its dementia day centres) not operating to full capacity. This prompted an opportunity to rethink Maymorn as a dementia resource and look at to whom it should be extending and how. The social isolation created because of the pandemic highlighted more than ever the need for a social space for people living with dementia.
“Social interaction is where people with dementia come alive… come out of the dark hole… feel more human”
Tommy – FOD group member
At the beginning of 2021 permission was sought to formally engage with various groups and organisations. One of these groups was our FOD, and we were approached by April Ross, Services Manager at Coventry City Council, and Debbie Farrell, Manager at Maymorn, to co-produce the vision for the hub.
Our group first met April Ross in January 2021 over Zoom and they did not need any persuading that the hub was a good idea!
“Most of us are in a state of panic in case it doesn’t materialise. Can’t realise the importance of it”
Ken H – FOD group member
Then in March 2021 our group members took part in two virtual meetings with graphics capture.
The first was a Stakeholder Workshop with representatives from all the interested organisations and groups, such as: Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust; Old Age Psychiatry; Alzheimer’s Society; Age UK; Carers’ Trust; Healthwatch; GPs; Public Health; Arden Memory Services; Occupational Therapy; Fire Service; Neighbourhood Watch and many more.
The aim of the workshop was to work out what the hub should look like, and ideas discussed included: social groups, café/social space, library of strategies, arts and crafts. Three of our group, namely: David; John T; Ken H, attended and opened and closed the workshop as well as talking about their own experiences.
The second meeting was an Engagement Workshop to understand our FOD group’s vision for the hub, all of which was captured in this graphic:

The illustration was produced during virtual workshops held with stakeholders to engage on the plans and clearly highlight the most important elements for those living with dementia and the organisations that support them.
“Despite the restrictions placed on them due to Covid it did not stop the scale of ideas coming from the group”
Coventry City Council website February 2022
By the middle of 2022 the hub had been given the go-ahead. Funding had been granted for 12 months from the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board to create new posts and to facilitate a dementia friendly café/social space.
April said: "The focus group (FOD) have been invaluable in codesigning the vision and pushing the agenda for this to be achieved”.
She and Debbie came along to one of our FOD meetings, which were by then back to face-to-face, and gave an update.

Back row: Ken H, John T Front row: David, John L, Ken M, Moira
There was a mutual keenness for our group members to continue to be involved in the build-up to the launch of the hub and beyond. For example:
- Acting as dementia champions on the hub’s steering group as well as joining sub-groups to develop the details of the hub (already underway).
- being involved in recruitment and staff induction.
- having roles once the hub is up and running. One of these roles could be Post diagnosis buddying – as group members feel strongly that people should be able to have the opportunity straight after being diagnosed to have a person living with dementia to talk to (if they feel it might help).
The Hub opened on 24 July 2023.