Sue and John Farrell - March winners

Sue and John Farrell are a couple who have spent nearly half their lives as foster carers, having welcomed nearly 100 youngsters in to their home since deciding to take to fostering 30 years ago.
Through their selflessness and dedication they have supported many young people through a variety of situations and had a positive effect on many lives. Sue maintains that fostering is in her blood, following in the footsteps of both her own mother and grandmother, who also spent many years looking after a variety of children.
Some of the children they have cared for still have regular contact with them and refer to them as ‘mum and dad’. One young boy came to them at the age of 6 a for a short stay and over 20 years later he still lives with and is cared for by them.
Sue and John have a thirst for learning anything which will help them with their role and maintain that there is always something new to learn about fostering.
Their nomination for this recognition is a true testament to the positive effect they have had on many young lives and are fitting recipients of the Good Citizen Award.