Pete Chambers - February winner

For a number of years Pete Chambers has done much valuable work to celebrate and promote cultural achievement in Coventry. He has written six books on the local music scene, plus numerous articles in his Coventry Telegraph column.
The renowned Coventry ‘2-Tone’ has always received ‘special’ attention from him. He initiated and delivered the 2-Tone Trail series of plaques to honour the achievements of the 2-Tone record label and the associated artists at key local historical sites.
He also initiated the Coventry Walk of Fame to pay tribute to some of Coventry's well-known citizens who have made a positive and lasting contribution to the City. Pete has the ideas and in the end he delivers. His projects have successfully raised the profile of Coventry artists and their achievements and also provided a lasting memorial to them.
Pete has always given support and encouragement to up and coming local talent. Indeed, many young Coventry bands have benefitted from his positive backing.
His most recent success and without doubt his biggest pride is the Coventry Music Museum. This has been a long term dream and an achievement that is being given national recognition and acclaim. This unique project will be a lasting celebration of Coventry’s music heritage.
Pete has not done all this in pursuit of his day-to-day business activity, financial gain or an employment commitment. His efforts have been driven by a genuine passion and pride in Coventry and its citizens. Recognition of Pete Chambers’ efforts is long overdue and today we gather to salute his hard work and his dedication to Coventry.