Carer friendly employers

The 2011 census identified 5.8 million people providing unpaid care in England and Wales in 2011, approximately one 10th of the population - 3 million of which were in full or part-time employment. Already 90% of working carers are aged 30 plus, employees in their prime employment years. Balancing work and caring responsibilities can be difficult without the right support and 2.3 million people have given up work for caring, and nearly 3 million have reduced hours. This is not only costly for individuals but also for businesses and the economy.
Carer Friendly Employers is a scheme supporting employers in the West Midlands to support carers in their workforce.
The materials include two information booklets, one for employers and one for employees with caring responsibilities. There is also a pledge that employers can display in the workplace to promote their commitment to supporting their staff.
Employers can download the Carer Friendly Employers materials free of charge.
Materials produced by West Midlands Carers Lead Network - West Midlands Association of Directors of Social Services.