Finding work

Looking for work whilst caring or having cared for a long duration can feel like a daunting task. There might be things that you need to arrange prior to returning to work such as getting care or telecare in place. You might not recognise it but being an unpaid carer gives you a whole range of knowledge, experience and skills that will help you in a work, volunteering or a learning environment. There are many transferrable skills that come with caring and your skills are likely to be extensive.
Telling Jobcentre Plus you are a carer
If you are actively seeking work and in contact with the Job Centre, it is a good idea to tell your job coach that you are a carer. If you decide to tell them, they will work with you to look at flexible ways in accessing the Job Centre and any training requirements. They might also have suggestions on what types of jobs would suit you and your caring role, or point you towards more flexible workplaces.
You can ask your work coach if your Jobcentre Plus has a Carers Lead. This person will be an expert on carers and might be able to give you more support than your usual work coach. Contact JobCentre Plus.
Coventry Job Shop
The Coventry Job Shop is a good place to start when looking for job opportunities. They provide extensive support to help people find work that suits their living arrangements, they can also help you explore any barriers that may exist whether that be health or financial barriers to accessing work. The Job Shop is based at:
West Orchards WayCoventry
You can call them on 024 7678 5740 or send them an email.
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 9.30am (Thursdays 10.30am) to 4.30pm.
Young Adult Carers (16-25)
Carers Trust Heart of England supports young adult carers aged 16-25.
They can support by providing:
- Social events and trips
- Education and training advice
- Employment advice
- Access to someone to talk about any problems or difficulties you may be experiencing.
For more information and for details of grant eligibility criteria, please contact:
Phone: 024 7663 2972
Working Carers Support - Carers Trust Heart of England
The Carers Trust have a dedicated Working Carers Support worker, who can help you when exploring returning to work, the practicalities and what support you might need to return to work and how to talk to employers about your caring role.
Phone: 024 7663 2972 option 1