E-learning and online support

There is a wide range of information, advice and learning support online for carers. Here are just some links to sites you might find useful:

Carer Aware and Young Carer Aware

Whether you are a carer, work with carers or you are just interested in finding out more (or all three) then this online course is for you.

Find out:

  • Who is a carer
  • What are their rights
  • What support is available in Coventry
  • Where to find further information
  • Test your knowledge and get your certificate!

Free e-learning courses

Carers Trust (national website)

Search different topics, access a wide range of information and some online courses on the Carers Trust national website. The website also has a discussion board where carers share their knowledge, expertise and experiences. The Carers Trust also facilitate a number of online courses.

Healthy Lifestyles Service - Best You - Coventry Carers

The Healthy Lifestyles Service have created their own online Carers Resource to support carers with their own health and making positive lifestyle choices. The service includes information on smoking cessation, eating healthy and feeling well. It can also connect you to other carers on the Best You "Coventry carers" group.

Alzheimer’s Society

Use the Training and Resources section on the Alzheimer’s Society website to learn more about all types of dementia.

Age UK

Refer to an extensive range of Information Guides and Factsheets on the Age UK website, covering topics such as finance, housing, getting care and support, staying safe and healthy.

Rethink Mental Illness

This mental health charity has a wide range of resources and information for carers on their website. There is some very helpful information for families, recognising that experiences will be different for parents and siblings supporting someone in their family who is living with mental ill health.

Every Mind Matters

Event Mind Matters is an online resource geared towards promoting good mental health, helping you relax, achieve more and enjoy life more. There is expert advice and practical tips to help look after your mental health and wellbeing.


The Mencap website includes a range of information topics that will be of interest to anyone caring for someone with a learning disability. It includes an online forum for families.

Which? - Later Life

The Which website is usually thought of as a consumer website, with recommendations on the best items to buy but their Later Life pages contain lots of helpful information about support available.

Carers Trust Heart of England

Telephone: 024 7663 2972