As a carer you don't always get the opportunity to think about your own needs and wishes. Training and learning opportunities can help you think about you and help you look after your own health and wellbeing.
It is also really important that family carers can access the same range of training and learning opportunities as paid care workers to keep themselves and the person they care for safe and well whilst performing care tasks.
We want to support you to look after yourself and increase your knowledge and skills to help you in your caring role and to help you stay well and healthy.
Most opportunities are free of charge and we also encourage you to make use of the online resources available locally and nationally.
Carers Trust Heart of England
Learning opportunities from Carers Trust Heart of England
Carers Trust Heart of England receive funding from us to offer a range of training opportunities for carers.
Training includes:
- One-to-one training in the home tailored to your needs to help you in your caring role. For example manual handling, first aid, nutrition and managing challenging behaviour
- The VIP Course - A six week group training and support programme. This covers skills for caring, managing your caring role, looking after yourself, how to cope with or relieve stress, communication, moving and handling and basic first aid.
- A programme for carers of people with long-term conditions such as Diabetes, Dementia, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Awareness sessions
Please note that our sessions are being run as a mixture of face to face as well as virtually.
For further information about any of our sessions please contact the Carers Trust Heart of England on 024 7663 2972.
Visit the Carers Trust Heart of England website [].
Young Carers Project
The project provides a range of support and activities [] for young carers aged 5- 25 years. Activities can include some training courses such as first aid, cooking and managing medication. Any young carers can access the service.
Carers Trust Heart of England
Alzheimer's Society Coventry
The Alzheimer's Society Coventry has a Carer Information and Support Programme (CrISP) funded by Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). There are two different levels running over a series of sessions.
- Level 1 is for carers, family and friends of people recently diagnosed with dementia. Topics include: understanding dementia, legal and money matters, support and care, and coping with dementia day to day.
- Level 2 is for carers, family members and friends of people who have been living with dementia for some time. Topics covered include: understanding how dementia progresses and living well with dementia.
They also run a Dementia Cafe which provides information about living with dementia and other services available locally in an informal and comfortable environment. A Dementia Cafe is also a place to relax, socialise and meet other people with dementia and their carers. This service is joint-funded between Coventry and Rugby CCG and the Council.
Please note that all our sessions are being run as a mixture of face-to-face and virtually at this time.
Find out more about these services and others provided by the Alzheimer’s Society [].
HOPE courses
HOPE (Helping to Overcome Problems Effectively) courses are interactive, group-based, self-management support courses. They are designed to help people become more knowledgeable, skilled and confident in managing the physical, emotional and psychological consequences of living with and being affected by a long-term condition.
The Carers Trust Heart of England facilitates a 6-week programme to help parents or carers of a child with ASD/Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome and/or ADHD.
They are also running a free "self management course - help to look after yourself when caring for a loved one" [].
For more information visit Carers Trust Heart of England [] or contact the team on 024 7663 2972.
Carers Trust Heart of England
Support groups and awareness sessions
Peer support groups can be very helpful and a good place to learn from each other.
The support groups run by Carers Trust Heart of England often arrange speakers to talk to groups about a range of issues that might affect them or are of interest to carers.
We also arrange events, forums and meetings [/info/76/carers/2210/carers_forums_meetings_and_events] that cover topics that are important for carers to know about. For example past events have included sessions on benefits and welfare reforms, prevention of pressure ulcers, understanding local changes in Council and Health services and Telecare [/telecare] and other assistive technology.
Sign up to the Coventry Carers' Bulletin [] to keep in touch with news and events.
Carers Trust Heart of England
The Recovery and Wellbeing Academy
The Recovery and Wellbeing Academy [] offer a wide range of free courses and workshops aimed to support people in recognising their skills, abilities, develop confidence and ways of managing difficult periods. They've teamed up with various different agencies such as Arty Folk, Alzheimer's Society, Coventry Building Society and many more. Types of courses offered include:
- Sleep Problems
- Improving Confidence and Self-Esteem
- Positive Thinking
- Building Assertiveness
- Improving Motivation
- The Fine Art to Wellbeing
- Writing for Wellbeing
The courses are open to anyone over the age of 18 living in Coventry or Warwickshire. Timetables and prospectus can also be downloaded directly.
Or contact the service on 0300 303 2626.
Choice magazine
The Adult Education Service in Coventry offers a choice of courses in a wide range of subjects []. Choice magazine [/choice] tells you what's on offer and how you can get involved.
Each year thousands of people take the opportunity to learn a new skill, get a qualification, find out more about something they are interested in, or simply to make new friends.
We have venues all over Coventry and our courses are taught by friendly, qualified tutors. Look out for local learning opportunities near you. There's something for everyone.
Carers registered with the Carers Trust Heart of England [] can apply for a Go CV+ card (previously Passport to Leisure and Learning) [/ptll] giving some really good discounts to course fees – some are free of charge.
Contact them to find out more by calling the Carers' Centre on 024 7663 2972.
Carers Trust Heart of England
Learning in libraries
Find out what's on offer in your library [].
From courses, taster sessions, online learning, books, CDs, DVDs, and learning materials, we've got it all. It's free to join, and we have something for everyone, whether you're one or 100!
Your library also offers Reading Well Books on Prescription [] which aim to improve your health and wellbeing through self-help reading. The collection of 30 books has been chosen by health professionals and every book is tried and tested. The books provide helpful information and step-by-step techniques to help you with common conditions, such as depression, anxiety, phobias and some eating disorders.
The libraries also hold events each month ranging from reading groups, friendship groups, wellbeing sessions to guest speakers, such as local authors. They also hold storytime and rhymetime sessions for younger readers. They look forward to welcoming you.
Libraries and Information Service
Address: Central LibrarySmithford Way
E-learning and online support
There is a wide range of information, advice and learning support online for carers. Here are just some links to sites you might find useful:
Carer Aware and Young Carer Aware
Whether you are a carer, work with carers or you are just interested in finding out more (or all three) then this online course is for you.
Find out:
- Who is a carer
- What are their rights
- What support is available in Coventry
- Where to find further information
- Test your knowledge and get your certificate!
Free e-learning courses []
Carers Trust (national website)
Search different topics, access a wide range of information and some online courses on the Carers Trust national website []. The website also has a discussion board where carers share their knowledge, expertise and experiences. The Carers Trust also facilitate a number of online courses [].
Healthy Lifestyles Service - Best You - Coventry Carers
The Healthy Lifestyles Service have created their own online Carers Resource [] to support carers with their own health and making positive lifestyle choices. The service includes information on smoking cessation, eating healthy and feeling well. It can also connect you to other carers on the Best You "Coventry carers" group.
Alzheimer’s Society
Use the Training and Resources [] section on the Alzheimer’s Society website to learn more about all types of dementia.
Age UK
Refer to an extensive range of Information Guides and Factsheets [] on the Age UK website, covering topics such as finance, housing, getting care and support, staying safe and healthy.
Rethink Mental Illness
This mental health charity has a wide range of resources and information for carers [] on their website. There is some very helpful information for families, recognising that experiences will be different for parents and siblings supporting someone in their family who is living with mental ill health.
Every Mind Matters
Event Mind Matters is an online resource [] geared towards promoting good mental health, helping you relax, achieve more and enjoy life more. There is expert advice and practical tips to help look after your mental health and wellbeing.
The Mencap website [] includes a range of information topics that will be of interest to anyone caring for someone with a learning disability. It includes an online forum for families.
Which? - Later Life
The Which website is usually thought of as a consumer website, with recommendations on the best items to buy but their Later Life [] pages contain lots of helpful information about support available.