Coventry Youth Council is a group of young people aged between 11-21 who want to have a say in the decisions that are made in the city. We work with many different organisations, including the NHS, Coventry and Warwick Universities, CAHMS, Grapevine, Live UnLtd, West Midlands police and the Council.
We do yearly campaigns on issues that affect young people in Coventry and aim to raise awareness to tackle these issues.
Our members
The Coventry Youth Council members are:
- aged 11-21
- passionate about improving our city and county
- able to talk to the people who make decisions in our city and government
- a voice for young people in Coventry
- Young people making a difference!
Our meetings
Coventry Youth Council is holding meetings virtually. For any enquiries please get in touch with Michael Ross Lead Participation Coordinator Michael.ross@coventry.gov.uk.
Here’s what our members are up to:
I’m Sean, I’ve been coming to CYC for over a year, and I’ve gained so much from the experience. I’ve went onto become a Police Youth Crime Commissioner for Coventry, became part of the independent advisory group for Mental Health and the Police as well as participating in many different campaigns across Coventry, gaining skills, good friends and a lot of confidence.
Sean, Coventry Youth Council
I'm Noah. I first came to be a part of CYC after hearing about it from an old music teacher after I expressed an interest in politics and wanting to become involved at least a local area. CYC is an excellent organisation in catering to the views and opinions of any individual who wants to be involved in making the City of Coventry a better place. Not only is it a ‘hub’ for all who attend to discuss major events at home and abroad, it is a fruitful scene of debate on topics ranging from Brexit to children’s use of social media. The fact that the group is so diverse means that there is never a dull moment. Anyone who is interested in gaining confidence as a speaker, wants to have a good debate about an issue, or get involved in a city-wide awareness campaign, then CYC is unquestionably the group for you.
Noah, Coventry Youth Council