CAP Multi Agency Application Form

Coventry City Council complies with the Data Protection Act and the UK GDPR and is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as a Data Controller.
This Privacy Notice explains how personal information is going to be used, what for, who it will be shared with and why.
Why we collect and use Personal Data about you
We collect and hold personal information relating to our Graduated model of support which offers educational support and interventions to facilitate a broad and balanced curriculum and to ensure all children/young people have access to full-time education in accordance with the School Admissions Code (2014).
This covers referrals made to;
- Tier 1 – Universal Offer
- Tier 2 – Targeted Support
- Tier 3- Time Limited Placements and Supported Transfer
We use this information to:
- Provide your child with necessary and appropriate alternative provision
- Ensure Training Providers have relevant information, specific to each child enabling them to offer a service that meets their needs.
- Ensure relevant information is shared with service providers for Safeguarding and Health and Safety reasons
- Support your child with bespoke behaviour intervention preventing permanent exclusion
- Support you/your child in accessing a school placement via Supported Transfer Process (pupils who are at risk of permanent exclusion)
- Support you/your child in accessing a school placement outside the normal admissions round via the Fair Access Protocol.
- Provide your child with 6th provision where required.
- To ensure your child is receiving the right level of support in education when accessing the graduated model.
- Complete statistical returns to Government departments
We process personal data because it is necessary to comply with our statutory obligations as set out in statutory guidance for those with legal responsibilities in relation to exclusion (September 2017) and the DFE guidance for Fair Access Protocols (November 2012).
How we use personal information
We have personal data about you shared with us by schools and hold this personal information relating to Coventry Alternative Provision. We process personal data because it is necessary to comply with our contractual obligation with the school to provide the Coventry Alternative Provision services.
We use this information to:
- Provide you with necessary and appropriate training
- Ensure Training Providers have relevant information, specific to each learner enabling them to offer a service that meets student needs.
- Ensure we can provide the information to your training provider for Safeguarding and Health and Safety reasons
- Help us to develop and improve our service
- Complete statistical returns to Government departments
What personal data do we hold about you?
All data that is recorded for students is provided by schools during the application process. There is a Partnership Agreement signed by referring schools at the beginning of each academic year, to ensure all data is accurate upon the point of referral. Schools have a responsibility to ensure CAP are informed of any changes throughout the programme of learning. These details will also be used for our external funded programmes.
The information included in this application is:
- Your name
- Your date of birth
- Your address
- Your emergency contact details
- Your medical information - in order to ensure your safety within the workplace
- Academic information (educational needs/ inclusion support)
- Details of any other Agency involvement.
- Child personal details
- Parent/carer contact details
- Date of birth
- Details of special educational needs and/or disabilities
- Medical information
- Behavioural information such as exclusions
- Behaviour Plans
- Reasons why child is absent from school (attendance data)
- Academic information (educational needs/ inclusion support)
- Other agency involvement
- Safeguarding concerns
- Educational Health Care Plans
- Images/videos if consent is obtained
Who we share your personal information with
We will share data with:
- Coventry Alternative Provision Procured Training Providers
- Internal Coventry City Council Service areas
- Any agencies necessary to safeguard you child
- Images and videos will be used as per the consent form
- Coventry City maintained schools, Academies
- The governing bodies of schools, including non-maintained special schools
- The governing bodies of further education colleges and sixth form colleges
- Academies (including free schools, university technical colleges and studio schools)
- Pupil Referral Units
- Coventry Academy
- Youth Offending Teams and relevant youth custodial establishments
- Local Magistrate services
- NHS services
- Primary Mental Health Team
- Police (in instances of prevention/detection of crime)
- Admission departments in Local Authorities nationally
How long will we keep your information?
We will only keep your information for as long as we need to, enabling us to deliver the service requested, unless we must keep it for legal reasons. We will keep all information for 10 years after the end of the academic year, with the exception of Children in Care.
Inclusion Data will be retained until the service user is no longer compulsory school age in accordance with the School Admissions Code (2014).
Your rights
You have the right to:
- Ask to see the personal information we hold about you
- Ask us to change information we hold about you if it is wrong
- Ask us to delete the information we hold about you
- Ask us to limit the way we use your personal Information
- Ask for human intervention regarding decisions made about you by a computer
- Data portability (have your data transferred to another Authority)
- Complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office
To exercise any of these rights please contact our Service via email:
You have the right to submit a complaint if you are unhappy with the way your request is handled or disagree with a decision made by the council regarding your data. In these circumstances you can contact the Data Protection Team (DPO) and request a review of the decision. or
DPO Team
Coventry City Council
Council House
Earl Street
CV1 5RR.
If you are not satisfied with any outcome from the DPO you may wish to apply to the Information Commissioner's Office at:
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
SK9 5AF.