Health and wellbeing

Looking after our mental health and wellbeing is important for us all. The information below might help to direct you to where you can find advice and guidance.
Young people
- The Fostering Network - Support and advice for foster carers
- Mental Health UK - Information and tips for managing your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak
- Every Mind Matters - Mental wellbeing whilst staying at home
- Mind - Coronavirus and your wellbeing
- The Attachment Research Community - resources for all
- Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust - resources to help carers have honest and open conversations with young people around the topics of gaming and gambling
Sport and physical activity
There are lots of ways of keeping ourselves active and healthy. Take a look at some of the specialist information below:
- Basketball - Basketball England
- Cricket - Chance to Shine (free registration required to view content)
- Football - FA Learning
- Hockey - England Hockey
- Tennis - LTA