Stop cold callers

Coventry Trading Standards is committed to tackling rogue traders and doorstep crime [/info/200098/trading_standards/325/rogue_traders_and_doorstep_crime] and giving people the information they need to choose whether to deal with cold calling traders.

We are grateful to colleagues from Surrey for some of the content of these pages.

Information for traders about our no cold calling sticker scheme

We work closely with West Midlands Police and partners to help reduce rogue trading, which is sometimes linked to distraction burglary. One way involves educating residents on how to deal confidently and decisively with cold calling doorstep traders.

We are committed to protecting Coventry residents from being exploited by rogue traders and feeling pressurised on their doorstep to make decisions that they may not otherwise make.

Coventry's no cold calling notice

We are giving residents the ability to choose whether to receive uninvited sales calls from traders. Residents who do not want to receive such visits are invited to get a notice to display on their front door or window to show that they do not welcome cold callers. We expect traders to respect the wishes of householders. If they do not, it is possible that the trader commits a criminal offence.

Why are we concerned about doorstep selling?

We recognise that businesses need to market their goods and services in order to survive and, hopefully, make a profit and we do not object to this at all.

Doorstep selling causes us particular concern for several reasons. Unfortunately for legitimate businesses, doorstep selling is a favoured approach for many rogue traders. Coventry does attract rogue traders who cold call and can take thousands of pounds from their victims for poor quality, unfinished and often unnecessary work

Our experience has been that it is extremely difficult for even the most conscientious and honest of businesses to police what their salesmen say and do on the doorstep when alone. The temptation of greater commission or bonuses can encourage salesmen to stretch the truth and put unreasonable pressure on consumers.

We also find that a number of consumers, particularly the most vulnerable, are fearful when cold called by doorstep salesmen. For some, this can lead to them feeling pressurised into making a decision they wouldn't normally take, even though the salesman may not have set out to put pressure on or mislead anyone.

We do not encourage doorstep selling, but we are not trying to ban it - just to give people a choice on whether to receive doorstep sales calls.

Information for residents about our no cold calling sticker scheme

  • Are you fed up with receiving visits to your home from cold calling traders?
  • Are you concerned about rogue traders calling on your elderly or vulnerable neighbours, looking for work?

If so, say "no" to cold calling doorstep traders with a Coventry Trading Standards downloadable door notice.

We work closely with West Midlands Police and other agencies to help reduce distraction burglary and rogue trading. Our scheme aims to give residents the confidence to deal with cold calling traders.

We are committed to protecting Coventry residents, particularly the elderly and vulnerable, from being taken advantage of by rogue traders [/info/30/trading_standards/325/rogue_traders_and_doorstep_crime]. We want to reduce the fear of crime and prevent residents from feeling pressurised on their doorsteps to make decisions that they may not otherwise make.

How to get a 'no cold calling' notice

 Download an electronic version of the sticker [/downloads/file/5749/doorstep_sellerscallers_sticker].

What is the law on cold calling?

Each year, we receive many complaints from residents who have been conned on their own doorsteps by rogue traders. These cons can involve many thousands of pounds and are often on the most vulnerable residents. Coventry Trading Standards have officers working to beat doorstep crime and to help support the consumers of the city.

Our aim is to disrupt the activities of these criminals and in some cases we may work with police and make arrests. The aim is to keep criminals away by sending out a clear message that we are ready to act and use our legal powers to protect local residents.

Know your rights around the law and cold calling doorstep traders

If you pay or agree to pay over £42 for any services or goods that are sold to you in your home, then:

  • You have 14 days to cancel the agreement. If you cancel, any monies that you have paid should be returned to you.
  • The trader must give you a written notice of your cancellation rights when you agree the contract. If the trader doesn't provide you with this information, they commit a criminal offence.

This protection applies even when you invite a trader to your home.

Although doorstep calling is not illegal, the law states that a trader who ignores a resident's request to leave and not return commits a criminal offence. You can show you do not want to receive visits from cold calling doorstep traders by displaying our sticker.

Any trader that puts you under pressure by suggesting you have to make a decision there and then, or that the "special price" is only available for a limited period in order to make you sign up, may be committing a criminal offence.

Doorstep traders are trained in sales techniques and can be very persuasive.

Be very wary of signing anything as you may give up your rights to cancel.

Our advice is to always say "No thank you - please leave" and then immediately close the door. If the trader won't go away, tell them that you will call Coventry Trading Standards. If you feel under real threat or in danger, you should contact West Midlands Police.


The above rights apply to contracts made after 13 June 2014.

For contracts entered into before this date contact the Citizens Advice consumer service for advice: 0808 223 1133.

What should I do if my notice is ignored?

Unfortunately, not all cold calling traders will respect your wishes and some will ignore your notice. If this happens we would encourage you to use our template letter below to complain and ask the business not to visit you again in the future.

It is a criminal offence for a trader to ignore your request to leave your home and not return and by sending our template letter to the business you will be making sure they get the message.

When you send your letter to the business you can also send a copy to us by email. This will help us to monitor any traders who repeatedly ignore stickers.

If any business continues to call at your home after you have sent this letter, please let us know by calling the Citizens Advice consumer service on 0808 223 1133.

Cold calling template letter

Your Name & Address
Trader's Address


Dear Sir/Madam

Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008

Request not to Return

On (insert date) I received an unsolicited sales visit from one of your representatives. I display a notice on my door requesting that traders do not call at my home and despite this I was still visited. I do not want your company or any of your representatives to visit me again, therefore this is a formal request under the above regulations for your company not to return.


I understand that it is a banned practice under Schedule 1, paragraph 25 of the above regulations, for you to ignore my request. If you fail to comply with this request you may commit a criminal offence. Please can you ensure that you record on your system that I do not wish to be visited by representatives from your business in the future. I am sending a copy of this letter to Coventry Trading Standards and will inform them if I receive any further visits from representatives of your company again in the future.


Yours faithfully



cc - 'Doorstep Sticker', Freepost (CV681), Coventry CV1 1BR or email: []


This is only a sample letter to give you guidance on what to write. Remember to insert certain information in the appropriate places. Keep a copy of your letter and send it recorded delivery. Don't forget to sign it. 

What if there is a business I want to receive visits from?

Although we suggest people do not do business with doorstep traders, we know there are some firms residents are happy to deal with, such as Avon, Betterware or Kleeneze. These traders do not tend to operate in a way that causes us concern as they don't ask people to buy anything at the time, they just leave a catalogue and invite you to make a choice when you are ready.

Avon, Betterware and Kleeneze, along with a number of others traders, are members of the Direct Selling Association [] (DSA). The DSA operate a strict Code of Practice that all their members have to obey and the code is recognised as being a Consumer Codes Approval Scheme.

You can, of course, invite traders to your home if you are interested in buying goods or services. For example, if you want to buy double glazing, you can invite a sales rep' around at a convenient time for you. Coventry Trading Standards recommends you always get a few quotations and never sign an agreement straight away. Take time to think about what you are doing and look at our advice on finding a reputable trader.

Frequently asked questions about cold calling

What is cold calling?

Cold calling is the act of making uninvited visits to a resident's home to sell goods or services.

Is cold calling illegal?

Cold calling is not illegal. However, any trader that ignores a sticker or notice on your door stating that you do not wish to receive cold calls may be committing a criminal offence. Also, any trader that ignores any requests by you to leave and not return is committing a criminal offence.

Anyone who does cold call and offers to sell you goods or services that cost more than £42 must provide you with a written notice giving you 14 days to cancel the agreement. Anyone who fails to give this notice will also be committing a criminal offence, which Trading Standards can investigate.

Should I buy from cold callers?

We believe residents have a right to choose whether or not they wish to deal with cold callers. By displaying a sticker or sign on your door, you should be able to expect your wishes to be respected.

Our advice is never to deal with cold callers. Cold calling is a favourite method of rogue traders whose only aim is to get as much money from their victims as possible. Even if you avoid dealing with rogue traders, those who cold call will usually be persuasive and often catch you when you least expect it and your guard is down. It is difficult to make the right buying decision on your doorstep.

How can I prevent cold calling traders from calling at my home?

Coventry Trading Standards' stickers are designed to make it clear to any would-be cold callers that they are not welcome and we hope that most traders will respect your wishes and the sticker. However, we do not guarantee that by displaying a sticker you will not receive visits from any cold calling traders.

If traders do ignore your sticker please do let us know and use our template letter [/info/30/trading_standards/1410/doorstep_sellerscallers/5] to send to the trader, if you have an address for them, to ask them not to call at your home again. We will use the information from you to build up intelligence and identify the worst offenders who we may be able to take action against. We cannot reply to every request but in the case of an emergency, particularly where a trader is on the scene or a suspected rogue trader is expected to return at a particular time, we will try to get officers out to you.

Can I refuse someone entry to my home?

Yes, absolutely. You do not have to allow anyone to enter your home and can refuse. You should never allow anyone into your home unless you are able to make sure they are who they say they are and that they have a reason to be there. Honest callers will not mind being challenged.

How can I check whether a caller is genuine and has a legitimate reason for calling at my home?

Very few people will actually have a reason for turning up at your home unannounced and without an appointment. However, on rare occasions some honest callers may make unannounced home visits.

The most likely people to visit your home unannounced are utility companies attending to read a meter. Most of these companies operate a password scheme allowing you to register a password. Once you have registered your password, any caller from the company should be asked to provide the password before being allowed in. You should be able to find the details for registering a password on your utility bills, or by calling their customer service teams.

Do you need a licence to cold call?

You do not need a licence to cold call. However, if you are selling goods door to door you will require a Pedlar's Licence. Pedlar's Licences have to be given out by the Police. Each individual caller must have a Pedlar's Licence and not just the employer.

Anyone who cold calls offering services, like home maintenance work, does not need a Pedlar's Licence.

A Pedlar's Licence is not a guarantee that they will act lawfully and it does not allow them to call at your home against your wishes.

Can politicians/market researchers/religious groups call?

Our stickers are not designed to prevent politicians from canvassing for elections, religious groups or market researchers. However, residents do not have speak to anyone at the door.

Can charity collectors call?

The stickers are not aimed at stopping genuine charity collections, however, we would expect charity collectors be able to show identification.

Some charities ask for donations to be left for collection, using a bag or leaflet. If you get requests like this you should always read the details provided as not all collectors that act in this way are acting for charitable purposes. Often you will find that the collector is a business collecting items to sell for profit and they will include a company registration number on their paperwork as opposed to a charity registration number.

All charities have to be registered with the Charity Commission. To check whether an organisation is a registered charity you should contact the Charity Commission [].

Any charity carrying out collections for money has to get a permit [/info/22/business_and_markets_licensing/712/street_collection_licences] giving permission for this. If you want to confirm that the charity collection is authorised you can contact the Licensing Team [/licensingteam].

What should I do if I receive a cold call?

Trading Standards recommend residents always say no to cold callers. We are always keen to be contacted by anyone who receives a cold call. Officers may be able to respond to incidents of cold calling by rogue traders, to help the victim, and disrupt and take action against the cold caller. Even if the cold caller has gone away, get in touch, we are always keen to have information about what happened.

Get crime prevention and safety advice from West Midlands Police

Coventry Trading Standards and West Midlands Police work closely together to tackle rogue traders and doorstep crime. West Midlands Police have a lot of useful advice and information on their website giving tips and hints to keep you and your home safe and protected from crime. Visit the West Midlands Police Crime Prevention pages for further advice. You can also find details for your neighbourhood policing team on the Coventry Police website [], just type your postcode into the box on the home screen to be taken to the pages for your local neighbourhood team.