Allocation of Coventry secondary school places for September 2025
It was not possible to offer places to all who requested places at oversubscribed schools. All places were allocated using the criteria in each school admissions policy.
The table below shows the number of places available as at the 3 March 2025 for entry in September 2025 at each school, the number of places offered to all those who applied on time (by 31 October 2024) and where the school was oversubscribed, we include details of the last place offered. Please note: the number of places available at each school is subject to change due to subsequent allocations taking place which will incorporate any changes and late applications.
In the section on last places offered, we list the criteria or category that the offer made under, for example, catchment area. If you click on the name of the school this will take you to their admissions policy for 2025 for further details. We also show the distance from the school to the home address of the last child given a place.
School |
Places available |
Places offered |
Details and distance of last place offered/last offer made |
180 |
180 |
Criteria 5 (dist) some offered up to a distance of 0.651 of a mile |
210 |
210 |
Criteria 7 (non-catholic children attending a feeder) some children up to a distance of 3.183 miles |
305* |
305 |
Criteria 7 (dist) some offered up to a distance of 0.995 of a mile |
240 |
240 |
Criteria 6 (dist) some offered up to a distance of 1.205 miles |
250 |
250 |
Criteria 11 (Other non-catholic children) some offered up to a distance of 1.406 miles |
240 |
240 |
All on-time applicants offered |
345 |
298 |
All on-time applicants offered |
120 |
120 |
Criteria 7 (dist) some offered up to a distance of 0.795 of a mile |
210 |
210 |
Criteria 6 (dist) some offered up to a distance of 3.64 miles |
270 |
270 |
Criteria 5 (dist) some offered up to a distance of 1.553 miles |
180 |
180 |
Criteria 4 (up to 1 mile) all on-time applicants offered Criteria 6 (dist) some offered up to 5.84 miles |
210 |
210 |
All on-time applicants offered |
210 |
195 |
All on-time applicants offered |
180 |
180 |
All on-time applicants offered |
180 |
105 |
All on-time applicants offered |
300 |
300 |
Criteria E (dist) some offered up to a distance of 0.89 of a mile |
120 |
71 |
All on-time applicants offered |
210 |
211 |
Criteria E (catchment) some offered up to a distance of 0.589 of a mile |
210 |
210 |
All on-time applicants offered |
157 |
126 |
All on-time applicants offered |
240 |
240 |
Criteria 5 (dist) some offered up to a distance of 2.457 miles |
*temporary increase of number allocated to school for 2025 entry only.
'Some' indicates that only some of the applicants assessed under the criterion could be offered a place.
Please Note: If your child has been allocated a place at a school you did not request (rank 8) this is because Coventry has been unable to accommodate your preferences, as a result a place has been reserved for your child at the nearest school with a place available.
If you have been refused a Coventry school place you have the right to appeal against the decision. Register your appeal.
Places at schools in other authorities
If your child has been offered a place at a school in another Authority please see details below regarding accepting/refusing the school place.
If you fail to accept the offer of a place it could result in the place being withdrawn.
Warwickshire Admissions Service
01926 414143
Warwickshire school admissions
Warwickshire requires parents to accept the offer of a place; they need to email:
Solihull School Admissions
0121 704 6693
Solihull school admissions
Solihull requires parents to accept the offer of a place; they need to email:
Birmingham School Admissions
0121 303 1888
Birmingham school admissions
Only inform Birmingham if you wish to refuse the school place offered.