Safeguarding procedures are coordinated by a social work or mental health team. They involve discussions, meetings and actions including:
- Listening to you about what you want to happen
- Planning how to look into your issue
- Deciding how to best keep you and any other vulnerable people or children involved safe
- Deciding on any actions concerning any organisation or individual/s who have caused harm
You (and/or your advocate) will have the opportunity to have your say at each stage in the process and how you would like to be involved.
Your social worker or mental health worker will explain the safeguarding process and ask you what you want to happen as a result of the harm or mistreatment being reported. This will be recorded in the main safeguarding records. At the end of the process they will review if these wishes have been achieved or not.
Once the safeguarding process is concluded, telling us about your experience of the process is really valuable to us as it helps to improve our service. There is the online Safeguarding Adults Experience Survey [] which you (or your representative) can complete, or with the assistance from your social worker.
- See also: Adult Social Care Safeguarding Experience Survey leaflet []
- See also: Making Safeguarding Personal Privacy Notice []
- See also: MSP What good person-centred adult safeguarding practice looks like in Coventry (CSAB Guide) []
A Making Safeguarding Personal toolkit for Frontline Staff, Supervisors and Managers [] has been developed to support the different stages of the safeguarding process, which includes all the tools and explanations of how to use them.
In support of Making Safeguarding Personal we also operate a Complex Case and Risk Enablement Panel [], recognising that enablement and working with risk are closely linked.
A small-scale study was commissioned by Coventry Adult Services Department, undertaken by Coventry University, to evaluate the implementation of Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP). Read the report into the findings [].
Safeguarding adults
For general safeguarding adults information (non-case issues)
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097