Location and access
Before your visit: remember, booking is essential
- Access to the site is by booking only [/tipbooking]. Visitors arriving without a pre-booking will not be permitted access.
- Only cars, small vans, 4x4s or cars with trailers are permitted.
- The Centre is only open for use by Coventry residents, neighbouring councils have their own facilities. To ensure that only Coventry residents are using the site, we will be asking anyone who books a slot to please bring with them proof of residency. This can be a recent utility bill, council tax bill (printed or online) or a driving licence. You will be asked to show this by our security personnel upon entry.
- Staff will be able to advise you but will not be able to help unload your vehicle, so please only bring items that you can safely unload yourself.
- Face coverings are not required when outside of the vehicle.
The household recycling and disposal centre (the tip) is free to use for the people of Coventry. If you do not live in Coventry, you should visit your local recycling centre in Nuneaton & Bedworth, North Warwickshire, Warwick [https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/recyclingcentres], Solihull [https://www.solihull.gov.uk/Resident/Rubbish-recycling/recyclingcentres] or Rugby [https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/recyclinghunterslane]
During your visit
Do not turn up more than 10 minutes before your appointment. Queuing outside the site will be monitored and if you arrive outside of your booked time slot [/tipbooking], or traffic levels become dangerous, you may be asked to leave and return at another time.
- The number of vehicles allowed into the site will be restricted and you may need to queue.
- Visitors must bring proof of address (printed or online) such as a recent Council Tax bill or driving licence as they will be required to show proof of residency. This will need to be shown through a closed window. If you are unable to provide this information you will not be permitted access.
- Visitors bringing any sharp items should bring gloves or protective clothing to avoid any incidents.
- Staff will be able to advise you but will not be able to help unload your vehicle, so please only bring items that you can safely unload yourself
- We will not tolerate any aggressive or abusive behaviour towards our staff or other site users.
- The users of this HWRC do so at their own risk. CSWDC who manage the site will not accept liability for any accidents, damage or loss incurred whilst using the site
For information on what you can take to the tip please see items accepted [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/41/recycling_and_reuse_centre_the_tip/2], or A-Z of rubbish and recycling [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/recyclingaz] for information on specific items.
After your visit
Wash your hands or use hand sanitiser as soon as you get home.
The current re-use and recycling rate is 69%
Bar Road off London Road, Coventry, CV3 4AN.
What you can take to the tip
For information on what you can take to the tip please see items accepted [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/41/recycling_and_reuse_centre_the_tip/2], or A-Z of rubbish and recycling [http://www.coventry.gov.uk/recyclingaz] for information on specific items. Staff will be able to advise you but will not be able to help unload your vehicle, so please only bring items that you can safely unload yourself.
Customer Services
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.
Items accepted
- Aluminium cans [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#aluminium]
- Batteries [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#batteries] (household and car)
- Books [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#books]
- Carpet [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#carpet]
- Computers [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#computers] (please ensure all personal information is deleted)
- Duvets and pillows (please put these items in the bays marked non-recyclable waste)
- Fluorescent tubes [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#fluorescenttubes]
- Fridge/freezer [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#fridges]
- Garden waste [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#gardenwaste]
- Gas bottles [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#gasbottles]
- Glass bottles and jars [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#glass]
- Household and garden chemicals [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#chemicals]
- Large electrical appliances [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#electricalgoods] (such as an oven)
- Mixed light bulbs
- Mattresses [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#mattresses]
- Nos (nitrous oxide) bottles [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/rubbish-recycling/household-bins/10]
- Paint [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#paint]
- Paper [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#paper]/cardboard [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#cardboard]
- Plasterboard [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/rubbish-recycling/recycling-reuse-centre-tip/5#plasterboard]
- Scrap metal [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#metal]
- Small electrical appliances [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#electricalgoods] (such as microwaves)
- Soil and rubble [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#rubble] (up to 6 bags per load of building waste from home DIY per day no bigger than 25kg per bag, excluding footings, internal wall removal, foundation work or internal / external render)
- Television/monitor [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#tvs]
- Textiles & clothing
- Tools [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#gardentools]
- Used engine oil [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#engineoil]
- Used tyres [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#tyres]
- Vapes
- Wood [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#wood]
- Burnable non-recyclable waste
- Landfilled non-recyclable waste
Items we cannot recycle:
- Asbestos [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/rubbish-recycling/recycling-reuse-centre-tip/5] - by booking only
Please consider whether an item could be reused by others or taken to a charity shop before bringing it to the Household Recycling and Disposal Centre.
If you are bringing waste that is not from your address, you must bring the person that it belongs to.
For more information about specific items and quantities please see our A-Z of rubbish and recycling [/recyclingaz].
Alternatives to bulky waste collection service
If it's in good condition, give it away!
Donate your unwanted items to:
- Emmaus [https://emmaus.org.uk/coventry-warwickshire/]
- British Heart Foundation [https://www.bhf.org.uk/shop/donating-goods]
- Or use the Freecycle website [https://www.freecycle.org/]
Customer Services
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.
Vehicle access
Vehicles permitted
- cars
- a car with a small trailer in between 6ft (1.83m) and 9ft 6in (2.89m) in length including the tow bar
- small van (cannot be towing a trailer) no taller than 6ft 3in (1.9m) maximum length is 4.8m
- transit type vans - up to 5.25m in length and 2.05m in height
- single cab, double cab and king cab pick ups - up to 5.25m in length and 2.05m in height (cannot be towing a trailer)
- any vehicle with 8 seats or more eg mini bus (cannot be towing a trailer)
- 4 x 4 vehicles without rear side windows (cannot be towing a trailer)
- 4 x 4 vehicles with rear side windows towing a trailer
- campervans and campervan conversions
- bicycles
- Motorbikes
Vehicles not permitted
- any trailer over 2.10 metres (9ft 6in) including the tow bar
- any vehicle in excess of the weight restriction (3.5 tonnes)
- any vehicle in excess of the height restriction (6ft 9in or 2.05m)
- transit type vans - over 5.25m in length
- long wheel based vans, double or twin axle vans
- vans towing a trailer
- single cab, double cab, king cab pick ups - over 5.25m in length or towing a trailer
- 4 x 4 vehicle without rear side windows towing a trailer
- any vehicle with 8 seats or more towing a trailer
Customer Services
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.
Book your tip visit
Why do I need to book?
To minimise the number of people turning up at the site visitors will be required to book a time slot [/booktip]. Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before your allocated time. Queuing outside of the site will be monitored and if you arrive outside of your booked slot time or traffic levels become dangerous you may be asked to leave and return at another time.
Please be aware that visitors arriving without a pre-booking will not be permitted access to the site.
Why do I need to bring proof of my address?
The tip is provided for the residents of Coventry to dispose of their waste. Neighbouring councils have their own facilities and as we are expecting demand on the site to be high when we reopen, we want to maximise usage for Coventry residents. Please bring along proof of residency such as a recent council tax bill (printed or online) or a driving licence.
Please show your proof of residency by holding it up on the inside of your closed window if requested.
Please be aware that If you are unable to provide this information you will not be permitted access to the site.
Face coverings
Face coverings are not mandatory.
What should I expect when I visit?
You may be required to queue and will be expected to follow all site rules and guidance from site staff. Please don’t be offended if site staff remind you of the rules.
We operate a zero-tolerance policy on aggression or abuse towards our site staff or other site users. Such behaviour will result in removal from the site.
How to book a tip visit
The tip is open 7 days a week and appointment slots can be made daily. To find out when the next available appointment is or to make an appointment [/booktip] you will need:
- Your full address, including postcode
- Details of the waste you are bringing to the site
- The vehicle registration number
Book your tip visit [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/booktip]
How to cancel or amend your booking
- Login to MyAccount [https://myaccount.coventry.gov.uk/]
- Go to the My Requests tab
- Select the continue option on your booking
- Choose the Amend or Cancel options
What you need to bring to your booking
You will be given a reference number which you will have to give when you arrive at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre. Please show your proof of residency by holding it up on the inside of your closed window when requested. Please be aware that If you are unable to provide this information you will not be permitted access to the site.
If you are bringing waste to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre that is not from your address, you must bring the person that it belongs to.
You can also book an appointment by telephone by contacting Customer Services. Bookings cannot be made by contacting the tip directly.
Solihull residents need to book visits through the Solihull website [https://www.solihull.gov.uk/Rubbish-and-recycling/Bickenill-HWRC].
Customer Services
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.
Disposal of controlled or hazardous materials
More information on controlled waste, including:
No more than 6 sacks (or equivalent) per month.
The asbestos must be:
- double bagged or wrapped in heavy duty plastic sheeting
- not sticking out from the packaging
- no more than 6.5 feet (2 metres) x 3.2 feet (1 metres)
- kept damp
Anyone who has not adequately packaged their asbestos, will be asked to wrap it before being allowed to dispose of it
You are not permitted to break up asbestos on site.
Small numbers of plasterboard sheets from home DIY can be disposed of at the Household Recycling and Disposal Centre (the tip) [/tip].
This service is for householders only. If there is any doubt about the origin of the waste you are bringing, you may be required to sign a disclaimer note, or you could be denied access.
Clinical waste
About household clinical waste disposal [https://www.coventry.gov.uk/rubbish-recycling/controlled-hazardous-waste]
For more information about specific items and quantities please see our A-Z of rubbish and recycling [/recyclingaz].
Customer Services
Open 9amâ5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.