Blue-lidded (recycling) bin

Your recycling bin is collected every fortnight - to find out when your collections are, please find your street in our directory [/bindays].

Please put your bin out for collection by 7am at the kerbside with the handles facing the road.

Bins should be removed from the highway as soon as possible following collection (maximum 24 hours) and returned to your property.

Please do not leave personal items, parcels or use your bin for storage of belongings - as missed collections or delivery teams may empty, swap or remove a bin that are accessible.

Please note that your bins will not be collected if rubbish is compacted, bin lids can’t close or bins are too heavy to safely be collected. Please do not put plastic bags in your bin. If your bin has not been collected you should have received a bin tag [/bintags] informing you of the reasons why this has happened. If your bin has not been collected and you have not received a bin tag please visit the missed bins [] page to report it.

Email alerts

You can sign up for free email alerts for your street's collection via our bin collection calendar [].

What can I put in my blue-lidded bin?

What can I put in my blue bin?
Yes please No thanks
  • aluminium foil
  • food and drink cans
  • glass bottles
  • newspapers and magazines
  • cardboard - toilet roll tubes
  • cereal boxes
  • junk mail
  • glass jars
  • drink cartons
  • aerosols
  • mixed paper and card
  • mixed glass
  • All household plastic bottles including milk bottles, detergent bottles, toiletry bottles and cleaning product bottles
  • All household plastic food trays including fruit or meat trays
  • All household food pots including yogurt and dessert pots
  • All household food tubs including fresh fruit and meat trays etc.
  • wallpaper
  • lightbulbs
  • broken glass
  • plastic film/bags
  • textiles, clothes and bedding
  • polystyrene
  • cookware such as pots and pans or Pyrex
  • general rubbish
  • shredded paper
  • Plastic plant pots
  • Black plastic
  • Nappies
  • Black bags
  • Food waste

Download a printable A4 guide to what you can put in your blue-lidded bin [].

Please see the A-Z of rubbish and recycling [/recyclingaz] if you are unsure of where an item should go.

Plastic carrier bags are made from a range of different plastics. The carrier bags can shred during the sorting process and end up in with the wrong type of plastic (contaminating the load). They can also become tangled around the sorting machinery which leads to further problems. Many larger supermarkets have recycling facilities for plastic bags.

Shredded paper is not suitable for recycling for a number of reasons including:

  • capture of the material (by its nature it is small and flies away when moved around making it difficult to capture during the sorting process, which for paper and card is largely done manually)
  • contamination of other materials (for reasons similar to capture)
  • the poor quality of the product (shredding makes the fibres of the paper damaged and unsuitable for future products)

We would advise residents to only shred the part of the document that contains personal/sensitive information and dispose of this in the green lidded bin, alternatively it can be used for animal bedding or home composting.

Customer Services

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.

Telephone: 08085 834333 [tel:08085834333]

Brown-lidded (food and garden waste) bin

You need a garden waste subscription permit if you would like your brown-lidded garden waste collected.

Read more about the service or sign up []

Report a missed bin []

Customer Services

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.

Telephone: 08085 834333 [tel:08085834333]

Green-lidded (rubbish) bin

Please use your green-lidded rubbish bin for all rubbish that cannot be recycled or composted. We collect green-lidded bins every other week. To find out when your collections are, find your street in our directory and sign up for free email alerts [/bindays].

Please put your bin out for collection by 7am at the kerbside with the handles facing the road.

Bins should be removed from the highway as soon as possible following collection (maximum 24 hours) and returned to your property.

Please do not leave personal items, parcels or use your bin for storage of belongings - as missed collections or delivery teams may empty, swap or remove a bin that are accessible

Please note that your bins will not be collected if rubbish is compacted, bin lids can’t close or bins are too heavy to safely be collected. If your bin has not been collected you should have received a bin tag [/bintags] informing you of the reasons why this has happened. If your bin has not been collected and you have not received a bin tag please visit the missed bins [/missedbins] page to report it.

What can I put in my green-lidded (household waste) bin?

Your green-lidded bin is for all items that cannot be reused, recycled or composted [/composting].

Please see the A-Z of rubbish and recycling [/recyclingaz] if you are unsure of where an item should go.

Download a printable A4 guide to what you can put in your green-lidded bin [/downloads/file/34418/what_you_can_put_in_your_green-lidded_bin].

We are able to collect small quantities of polystyrene in your green lidded bin, we would ask where possible this is bagged. Large quantities should be disposed of at the Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) on London Road [/tip].

Items that you shouldn't be putting in your green-lidded bin include:

  • Things that can be recycled or composted
  • Batteries
  • Waste electrical and electronic equipment
  • Controlled or hazardous materials

Customer Services

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.

Telephone: 08085 834333 [tel:08085834333]

Bin tags

Why hasn’t my bin been emptied?

If we haven’t emptied your bin , the bin crew may have left a tag on in that tells you why we couldn’t empty it. The main reasons why we may not have been able to take it include:

  • it contained items we cannot collect. Putting the wrong items in your bins can contaminate the whole load and cause extra costs and problems with disposal. Find out what should go into your recycling (blue-lidded) bin [/blueliddedbin], garden (brown-lidded) bin [/brownliddedbin] or rubbish (green-lidded) bin [/greenliddedbin]
  • it was too heavy – please take care to ensure that your bin is not too heavy and can be safely collected by our operatives. Overweight bins can break when lifted onto the vehicle for emptying.
  • it wasn’t presented at the right time / day – you can check your next scheduled collection day [/bindays].
  • it was damaged and we couldn’t safely move / empty it – if your bin is broken or split you can request a replacement [].
  • it wasn’t presented correctly – please make sure that your bins are presented outside your property where our operatives can safely get to them by 7am on your scheduled collection day. Handles should be placed facing the road to help our crews safely collect them.

What do I need to do now?

If your bin was too heavy or contained the wrong items you should remove the unauthorised or heavy/additional waste. Unfortunately, we cannot return to empty your bin until your next scheduled collection so you should return your bin to your property and put it back out for your next collection.

What if I have too much waste for my bin?

If have too much for your rubbish for your green-lidded bin visit the Coventry Recycling Club [] to find out more about reducing the amount of waste you produce and for tips on how to recycle more. Extra waste can be taken to the Household Recycling and Disposal Centre (the tip) [/tip].

If you have a large family you may be eligible for additional bins to help you manage your waste. Details of requirements and how to apply [].

The tip

Coventry residents can take extra waste to the Household Recycling and Disposal Centre (the tip) [/tip] on London Road, Whitley. Advice on what can be taken to the tip and how to book your visit can be found at the link.

Bulky Waste Collection Service

The Council provides a bulky waste collection service for residents of the City for a small charge. Book a bulky waste collection [].

Waste left by bins

If you have been left a tag about waste being left by the side of your bin please ensure that in future all of your waste is contained within your bins and the lid can be shut. Only waste contained within your bin should be collected and items left by the side may be dealt with as flytipping resulting in enforcement action.

Customer Services

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.

Telephone: 08085 834333 [tel:08085834333]

A-Z of rubbish and recycling


Abandoned vehicles

Please see abandoned vehicles [/abandonedvehicles] for more information on reporting abandoned vehicles and what to do when your vehicle reaches the end of its useful life.

Additional bins

Please see our page on how to apply for an additional bin [/requestbin] as well as the circumstances under which we will provide additional bins to households.


Recycle your aerosol cans in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].

Do not pierce, crush or flatten the aerosol before recycling. Detach any loose or easily removable parts, such as the plastic lid, and dispose of them with the rest of your rubbish. Don't worry about removing the plastic nozzle - this will be removed during the recycling process.


Aluminium cans should be placed in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].

Household items such as saucepans [/recyclingaz#saucepans] that are in good condition can be taken to your local charity shop, jumble sale or offered on sites such as Freecycle [].

Larger items can be recycled at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].


For more information, please visit our asbestos page [/asbestosdisposal].


Ash from wood fires which doesn't contain toxic materials can be used in home composting [/composting].

Assisted collections

Assisted collections are available where all residents in the household are unable to place their bins at the collection point due to ill health, infirmity or a disability. To find out more about applying for an assisted collection, please see assisted collections [/assistedcollection].


Bank holidays

Household waste collections operate Tuesday to Friday. For details of changes over Easter and Christmas check collection days in your road [/bindays]. The Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip] is open on all bank holidays except for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.

Bathroom suites

Old bathroom suites can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip], or if suitable could be offered for reuse on sites such as Freecycle [].

Batteries (household and car)

Any retailer selling large quantities of household batteries, such as AA and AAA will provide battery recycling collection facilities in-store. Alternatively, they can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

Instead of buying normal batteries, why not buy rechargeable ones? They are better for the environment and last longer.

Car batteries can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

Bicycles / Bike reuse scheme

Bikes can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip] where they will be repaired ready for reuse used by City Mission [].


Please visit household bins [/ourbins] for more information.

Bin liners / bags

You can buy compostable liners through our website for your food waste caddy. [/caddyliners] Alternatively you can purchase compostable liners in most supermarkets. You don't have to line your food waste caddy if you don't want to food waste can be put directly into your brown lidded garden waste bin or wrapped in a single sheet of newspaper.  Please do not use plastic bags in either your brown lidded food and garden waste bin or your blue lidded recycling bin.  Any waste presented in a black bag in either the recycling or garden waste bins will be assumed as contamination and will not be collected.

Bin repair / replacement

Where possible, we will always aim to repair rather than replace your damaged bins. If your bin has been damaged or stolen then please visit new bin or bin repair / replacement [/requestbin] for more information on how to request a new one.

Bin tags

Bin tags cannot be recycled and should be put in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin]. We would have liked for them to be recyclable, however, for them to be weatherproof as well as low cost, they are made from plastic-coated card.

Black bag waste

Black bag waste is anything that cannot be reused, recycled or composted and would therefore go into your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin].

Blue-lidded bin (recycling)

Please visit blue-lidded bins [/blueliddedbin] for more information.

Body Shop

All items bought at The Body Shop can be returned for recycling.


Books can be donated to a local charity shop, family, friends or school for reuse. You could also try using a website like BookMooch [] where you can swap your old books for someone else's.

Book a tip visit

You can book a tip visit online using My Account [/booktip]. For further information on using the tip, please see the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

Brown-lidded bin (garden waste)

Please visit brown-lidded bins [/brownliddedbin] for more information.

Bubble wrap

Bubble wrap cannot currently be recycled, but you could easily reuse it to wrap up valuables for transportation.

Building waste

Up to 6 bags per load of building waste from home DIY (excluding footings, internal wall removal, foundation work or internal render) can be disposed of at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. Please ask an advisor on site.

Bulky household waste

Bulky waste collections [/bulkywaste] can be arranged for a charge [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/666/disposal_of_large_or_bulky_items/2]. You can book for up to ten items at a time. Bulky waste items are currently collected by Emmaus [] who reuse and recycle as many of the collected items as possible.



Food and drink cans should be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. Don't forget to wash and squash them first!  See also tin cans.

Car batteries

Please see batteries [/recyclingaz#batteries].

Card / cardboard

Recycle your cardboard in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. Large quantities can be recycled at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. Make sure that any staples are taken out of boxes and then squash the cardboard flat. If you are putting it into your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin], please ensure that it will not get stuck, as this may prevent your bin from being emptied fully.


Carpets and rugs are made of a variety of fibres which are difficult to separate for recycling, therefore reuse of carpets and rugs is preferred. Carpets can be disposed of at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].


These can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin], or they could be used for arts and crafts projects. Remember to wash and squash them first!


Many types of printer cartridges can be refilled at shops such as Cartridge World []. Try to check that the cartridges can be reused before you buy a printer! They can also be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. Many charities can also make money by recycling them.


These can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].

Cat litter

Used cat litter should be bagged or wrapped in newspaper and put in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin]. See also dog waste [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#dogwaste].

CDs, DVDs and videos

Most charity shops will take these in good condition, you could swap them or give them away to friends and family, or some websites will give you money for old CDs and DVDs.

Cereal boxes

Cereal boxes can be flattened and recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. They could be used for arts and crafts along with cartons!


All hazardous and chemical waste that is destined for disposal must be cleanly and safely packaged in a container suitable for the purpose, clearly labelled and submitted for disposal at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. Please advise staff of any items you may have upon arrival at the site.

China plates and ornaments

If they are in good condition then they can be donated to a charity shop. Otherwise, please put them in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin] as they cannot currently be recycled. Be careful to wrap any sharp edges.

Children's toys

Please see toys [/recyclingaz#toys].

Christmas cards and paper

Glitter and foil wrapping papers can’t be recycled - they need to go into your green lidded bin [/greenliddedbin]. If you’re unsure try the scrunch test to check if your paper is recyclable. If your paper springs back after you scrunch it up it can’t be recycled. If it stays in a ball it can go into your blue lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. You can tear the glitter section off of cards before you recycle them or save them to make gift tags for next year.

There are some great alternatives to traditional wrapping paper. You could consider using brown paper and twine to wrap your presents the brown paper could then be recycled or reused.

Plastic and glass baubles can’t be recycled. If they are in good condition you could take them to a charity shop or resell them to fund new decorations. If they are past their best please put them in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin] or take them to the tip.

Christmas trees

Real Christmas trees can be cut up and placed in your brown-lidded bin [/brownliddedbin]. Otherwise they can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. If Christmas trees are artificial then these may be reused for subsequent years, or given to a friend or family member for reuse.

Cling film

Cling film cannot be collected for recycling. It can damage the machinery used for sorting recycling by becoming tangled around it. It must go in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin]. Why not try to reduce the amount that you use by storing things in reusable containers instead.

Clinical waste

Please see our pages on household [] or commercial [/info/16/commercial_waste/39/clinical_and_hazardous_waste_disposal] clinical waste.

For needles or syringes in a public area please visit needles and syringes [/info/201/street_scene/613/discarded_needles_and_syringes].

Clothing, textiles and bedding

Unwanted clothing and textiles can be taken to your local charity shop, given to a friend or family member or recycled at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. See also shoes [/recyclingaz#shoes].

Every year 900 million textile items go to waste in this country, but old jumpers and unwanted clothing are a valuable resource in many less developed countries. In Africa and the Baltic States 90% of people depend upon reclaimed textiles from developed countries for their clothes!

Coffee cups

We are unable to recycle drinks cups at present. Why not reduce the number of coffee cups you use by using a reusable coffee cup or mug? Many coffee shops offer discounts for bringing your own mug!


Most charities have a scheme where you can donate your unwanted foreign currency. If you have notes why not exchange them using a currency conversion service.

Commercial waste

Please see our commercial waste [/commercialwaste] page.

Compostable Liners

Compostable liners can be purchased for your food waste caddy. [/caddyliners]


Subsidised composting bins are available to Coventry residents through Coventry Recycling Club. [/recyclingclub]

Why not visit our composting pages to find out more on:


If your computer is in good working order you could try selling it using online auction sites. If you can't sell it you could try giving it away using Freecycle [].

Alternatively, you can dispose of them at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

You should ensure that all personal information is removed before attempting to sell or dispose of your computer.


Putting things that we can't collect into the recycling (blue-lidded) [/blueliddedbin] or garden (brown-lidded) [/brownliddedbin] bin can contaminate the whole load collected by our crews. Putting the wrong items into these bins can cause problems with the recycling process and increase costs of providing the service.

Controlled waste

See controlled or hazardous waste [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2329/controlled_or_hazardous_waste].

Cooking oil

Cooking oil can be disposed of at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. Please see fat [/recyclingaz#fat] for more information.


Natural corks can be sliced finely and put into a compost bin, or they could be reused to make an interesting notice board.

Crisp packets

Crisp packets are soft, mixed plastic, so need to be placed into your general waste bin, the same as chocolate bar wrappers, cling film etc.

There are, however, 2 collection points in the city where you can deposit crisp packets, which are then sent to Terracycle [], specialists in hard to recycle plastics.

There is one at The Hub, Jordan Well, Coventry University and the other is a private collector, collecting all manner of hard to recycle items who is contactable via Facebook [].

Cutlery and crockery

These should be given to friends or family members or bunched into sets and taken to a charity shop.


Damaged bins

If your wheeled bin is damaged then it may be unsafe to empty it. You should contact us through My Account [/coventry_portal/] to request a repair or replacement. We aim to repair rather than replace wherever possible. Please see new bin or bin repair / replacement [/requestbin] for more information.

Disposable nappies

Disposable nappies make up 4% of Coventry's household waste - that's 14,000 tonnes per year! They can take up to 500 years to decompose, more if disposed of in a plastic bag.

They should be bagged and placed in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin] (general rubbish). They contain human waste and can therefore not be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].

Each household with a baby in disposable nappies generates an extra bag of rubbish each week. Reusable, cotton nappies are a good way of reducing this rubbish.

Dog waste

Dog waste should be placed in dog bins on the streets. If these are unavailable, or you are at home, then it should be bagged and placed in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin]. See also cat litter [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#catlitter].

Drinks bottles and cans

These can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. Please wash and squash them first!

Duvets and pillows

Please see quilts [/recyclingaz#quilts].


Egg boxes

If made from cardboard these are great for your home composter [/composting]; just make sure that you break them up first!

Egg shells

Egg shells are excellent for home composting [/composting] as they reduce the acidity, making the compost better for worms, which are very important in the composting process. They can also be a slug deterrent if crushed and sprinkled around plants. Egg shells can also go into your food and garden waste bin. 

Electrical goods / appliances

Electrical goods and appliances can be recycled at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. Alternatively you can arrange for a collection using our bulky waste collection service [/bulkywaste] for a small charge. Electrical appliances of any size should not be put into any of your household bins [/ourbins].

If your items are still in working order and good condition (no mould or rust) why not donate them to a charity shop, or offer them to friend or family?


Switch off electrical appliances when they are not in use. Many electrical appliances still use 50% of the electricity on standby as when they're on!

Engine oil

Engine oil can be disposed of at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].


If you can't reuse old envelopes, recycle them in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].


For more information on how Coventry is doing in terms of current rubbish and recycling please see where are we now? [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/446/recycling_targets_-_getting_greener] For more information on what you can do to help, please see:

Excess waste

You can take any extra waste you may have to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip] or arrange a bulky waste collection [/bulkywaste]. Waste should not be compacted or forced into the bin as this may mean that your bin is not fully emptied.



Please see clothing, textiles and bedding [/recyclingaz#clothing].


Cooking fat can cause blockages if it is poured down the drain. It can be sealed in a container and taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip], or you could mix it with bird seed and leave it to solidify. This makes a great bird feed for the winter!

Fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers should never be put in a household bin as they can be very dangerous. They can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip] for disposal.

Fluorescent tubes and bulbs

These can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].


Please visit flytipping [/flytipping] for more information.


Please check online as some charities collect foil to raise money. Alternatively, it can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].

Food and drink cartons

See cartons [/recyclingaz#cartons].

Food waste

Food waste currently makes up the largest component of the average Coventry households waste. You can separate food waste in your kitchen using your food waste caddy [/caddy]. Once full your caddy [/caddy] can be emptied into either your food and garden waste bin [/brownbin] or your household rubbish bin [/greenbin]. More information on using your food waste caddy [/caddy]. For more information on reducing food waste, please visit Love Food Hate Waste [].

Fridges and freezers

Fridges and freezers can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip] or a bulky waste collection can be arranged to remove them. Many retailers will take them away for you when delivering a new one. Flytipping [/flytipping] is an offence.


Items in good condition can be donated to local charity shop, offered to friend or family or on website such as Freecycle []. You may even be able to sell them using an online.

Items in poor condition can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].  Alternatively, you can arrange for a collection using our bulky waste collection [/bulkywaste] service for a small charge.


Garden chemicals

Please see chemicals.

Garden tools

If your garden tools are in working condition why not give them to friends or family. Old tools can be recycled at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

Garden waste

Compostable garden waste can be put in your brown-lidded bins [/brownliddedbin]. You can also home compost [/composting] or take it to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. Garden waste collections are carried out every other week all year round.
If you believe that you have harmful or non-native plant species, such as Japanese knotweed [/recyclingaz#J], please see the website [] for guidance.

Gas bottles / cylinders

These can be returned to the supplier or taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

General rubbish

Please see green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin].

Gift wrap

Please see christmas cards and paper [/recyclingaz#christmascards].


Glass can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. Sheet glass can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. Broken glass should be wrapped to avoid injury and put in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin].

Going greener

Please visit going greener [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/446/reuse_and_recycle] for more information on ways that you can become more environmentally friendly and reduce your waste.

Green-lidded bin (rubbish)

Please visit green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin] for more information.


Hazardous waste

Chemicals [/recyclingaz#chemicals], batteries [/recyclingaz#batteries], electronic equipment [/recyclingaz#electricalgoods] and some paints [/recyclingaz#paint] are all classified as hazardous waste and should not be disposed of through the household waste collection service. Find out about controlled waste [/asbestos].

Household bins

Please see the following pages for more information:

To find out when your collections are, please find your street in our directory [/bindays].

Heavy bins

If your bin is too heavy we cannot empty it as it may break, fall or damage equipment when lifted at the back of our vehicle. You should remove some of the items and return your bin to your property until your next scheduled collection day. You can take extra waste to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip)

The Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip] is located on Bar Road off the London Road. It is free to use for residents of Coventry.

Household waste

Coventry City Council provides fortnightly collections of your general waste (green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin]) and on the alternate weeks for your recycling (blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]) and garden waste (brown-lidded bin [/brownliddedbin]). Many other household waste items, that you cannot put in these bins, are accepted at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip] e.g. batteries [/recyclingaz#batteries] and light bulbs [/recyclingaz#lightbulbs]



Unused inhalers should be returned to your doctor or pharmacist for safe disposal. Used inhalers may be disposed of in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin].

Inkjet cartridges

Please see cartridges [/recyclingaz#cartridges].


Japanese knotweed

Japanese knotweed requires special disposal and therefore cannot go into your household bins or to the Household Reuse and Recycling Centre. The Environment Agency must be notified if you find Japanese knotweed on your property or elsewhere. Information on harmful weeds and contact details for the Environment Agency can be found on the website [].


Glass jars can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].

Junk mail

Can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin []. To stop unaddressed mail, register your address with Royal Mail []. To stop addressed, unsolicited mail, you can register with the Mailing Preference Service [].




Please see electrical goods and appliances [/recyclingaz#electricalgoods].

Kitchen roll

Kitchen roll can assist home composting [/composting] or should be disposed of in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin].


Knives should not be disposed of loose in any of your bins. They may be transported carefully to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip] and put in the metal container.



You do not need to remove labels from cans or bottles before recycling them.


Please see computers [/recyclingaz#computers].


Leaves can be put in your brown-lidded bins [/brownliddedbin] or can be home composted [/composting].

Light bulbs

Light bulbs can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip]. They should not be put in your household bins [/ourbins].

Love Food Hate Waste

Love Food Hate Waste [] provides free information and cooking tips for reducing food waste.



These can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. If you have lots of magazines, people are sometimes interested in these on websites like Freecycle [].

Master composters

Master composters are volunteers who try to encourage and promote home composting [/composting] in their local community.


Many retailers offer removal of mattresses when they deliver new ones. If mattresses are in good condition and still have a fire label attached then they may be taken to a charity shop. Alternatively, you could arrange for a bulky waste collection for a small charge, or mattresses can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].


Please return any unused or out of date medicine to your local doctor or pharmacy. If medicines are allowed to escape into the environment then they could be harmful to animals or plants, so it is important that these are dealt with properly.


Metal cans may be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. Scrap metal can be recycled at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].


Please see electrical goods and appliances [/recyclingaz#electricalgoods].

Milk bottles

Plastic milk bottles can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. Please wash and squash first!
Glass milk bottles should be returned to your milkman for reuse.


You could try giving away or selling mirrors using Freecycle [] or an online auction site. Alternatively, they can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip] or can be collected as part of a bulky waste collection.

Missed bins

For more information on missed bins and details on how to report one, please see missed bins [/missedbins].

Mobile phones

Unwanted mobile phones can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip], or can be sold on online shops.



Please see disposable nappies [#nappies].

New bins

Bins for new build properties or where the previous bin has been stolen or damaged beyond repair can be requested online [/new_bins].


These can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].

NOS Bottles

These cannot be recycled as they can explode, these must be taken to the HWRC (The Tip) 



See fat [/recyclingaz#fat], cooking oil [/recyclingaz#cookingoil] and engine oil [/recyclingaz#engineoil].


Please see electrical goods and appliances [/recyclingaz#electricalgoods].



Most packaging can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. If you have too much to put in your bin then it may be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

The most environmentally friendly thing to do is to try to buy things that have the minimum amount of packaging possible. Please see going greener for more information. You can contact retailers if you feel that they have used excessive or unnecessary packaging.


Check online as some charities can redistribute unused paint. We also operate a The Community RePaint network - Community RePaint [] scheme. Paint is assessed for its suitability then members of public can take this reusable paint free of charge.  Reusable paint also goes to Love Coventry [] every 2 weeks. Reusing paint saves the environment, saves money and saves disposal costs. Paint that can’t be reused will be disposed of at paint reprocessing site.

You can also take it to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip], where water based paints can be disposed of in the landfill container. Gloss based paints should be identified to a site operative.



Paper can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. See also shredded paper [/recyclingaz#shreddedpaper].

Pet waste

Please see dog waste [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#dogwaste] and cat litter [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/2397/household_bins/5#catlitter].

Plant pots

Plant pots are not currently recyclable, so must be placed into your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin]. You could also try to reuse them in the garden as you pot on smaller plants.


For more information please see our page on plasterboard [].


Plastic recycling facilities are available at all of the Household Recycling and Disposal Centre (the tip) [/tip].

Plastic carrier bags

Some larger supermarkets now offer recycling facilities for plastic bags. However, reusing plastic bags or replacing them with a reusable "Bag for Life" or longer-lasting cotton or jute bags are the best options environmentally. With the new 5p plastic bag charge, you will save money by taking a reusable bag with you every time you go shopping.

Hard plastics

Hard plastics such as garden furniture, kid's toys [/recyclingaz#toys], trays and collapsible crates can be recycled at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

Waste plastics for recycling - Biffa

Policy outlining Biffa's approach to managing plastics [] sent for recycling, including plastics which are exported.

Plastic bottles

Plastic bottles can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].


Please dispose of polystyrene in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin]. Although polystyrene is a form of plastic, the process of expanding the plastic into polystyrene causes changes to the plastic, meaning that I cannot currently be recycled. The best option environmentally is to try to avoid buying anything in polystyrene, as it takes hundreds of years to break down after it is thrown away. We are able to collect small quantities of polystyrene in your green lidded bin, we would ask where possible this is bagged. Large quantities should be disposed of at the Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip), on the London Road.

Postage stamps

Some charities collect old stamps to raise money. You can search the internet to find a charity that accepts stamps locally.

Printer cartridges

Please see cartridges [/recyclingaz#cartridges].

Pyrex dishes and glasses

These cannot be recycled as they can explode when heated up in the glass recycling furnace. If they are in good condition then they can be taken to the a charity shop, or they can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].



Can be given to friends or family members. Otherwise, they can be disposed of at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].



Why not collect rainwater in a water butt for use in your garden?

Recycling bins

Please see blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].

Recycling type codes

Anything with a 1 or 2 is recyclable, and can be placed into your recycling bin.

Report it

Please visit the following pages for reporting anything related to waste:

Replacement bins

To request replacement bins if yours are damaged or stolen, please visit new bins or bin repair / replacement [/newbins].


Rubble, bricks and soil

Rubble and soil can be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip], where it will go for reuse.



Saucepans that are still in a usable condition should be taken to a charity shop or given to a friend or family member. If they are no longer usable then they may be taken to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].


We work closely with many schools in Coventry in order to educate children on the importance of reuse and recycling [/info/69/rubbish_and_recycling/446/recycling_targets_-_getting_greener], and what they can do to help.


If you don't want to keep a pair of shoes you can take them to your nearest charity shop, or recycle them at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

Shopping bags

Please see plastic carrier bags [/recyclingaz#plasticbags].

Shredded paper

Shredded paper can be added to your home composting [/composting] or used for animal bedding. If you can do neither of these then it can be disposed of in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin].


Ask at your opticians or search online for charities that collect and reuse old spectacles.


Takeaway food containers

If the container is made of plastic or foil then you can wash it and either reuse it or recycle it in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin]. Polystyrene containers cannot be recycled currently. The best option environmentally for polystyrene containers is to find an alternative use for them or to try to avoid having them in the first place. Pizza boxes which are contaminated with pizza (eg. grease on the inside of the box) cannot be recycled.


Please see electrical goods and appliances [/recyclingaz#electricalgoods] or mobile phones [/recyclingaz#mobilephones].

Telephone directories

Can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].


Tetrapak food and drink cartons [/recyclingaz#cartons] can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].

Tin cans

Cans are sorted from other waste either by hand or by machine; the cans are then divided into metal types using magnets, steel cans are separated leaving aluminium cans to be shredded into small pieces. These small pieces of aluminium are then formed into blocks. The blocks are then put into a furnace and heated to over 750°C. Chemicals are added to improve the quality of the molten metal which is then poured into moulds and cooled by a curtain of water and then rolled into very thin sheets, ready to be into more cans and can be back on the shelves in just 6 weeks.

The Tip

Please see the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].

Toilet roll

Toilet roll can assist home composting [/composting] or be disposed of in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin].


Please see garden tools [/recyclingaz#gardentools].


If your old toys are in good condition, why not take them to your nearest charity shop or give them to someone you know with Children?

Tumble dryers

Please see electrical goods and appliances [/recyclingaz#electricalgoods].

TVs and monitors

Recycle your TVs and monitors at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].


You can dispose of up to 4 car tyres or 2 motorcycle tyres at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].



Umbrellas are always useful particularly with the British weather! If yours breaks it can be disposed of in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin].

Unaddressed mail

Please see junk mail [/recyclingaz#junkmail].


Vacuum cleaners

Please see electrical goods and appliances [/recyclingaz#electricalgoods].

Vegetable peelings

Vegetable peel can be put in your home composting [/composting] or in your green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin].

Volunteers (Recycling Champions)

Recycling Champions are volunteers who encourage others in their community to waste less and recycle more. Please see Coventry Recycling Club [] for more information.


Washing machines

Please see electrical goods and appliances [/recyclingaz#electricalgoods].


There are many ways that you can reduce, reuse and recycle water in the home. Please visit Waterwise [] for more information.

Water butts

Water butts can be used to collect rainwater to use on your garden instead of using treated tap water. Please visit home composting [/composting] for more information.

What happens to my waste now?

Please visit Our aims for your waste [].

Wood and timber

Wood can be recycling at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip].



Please see Christmas cards and paper [/recyclingaz#christmascards] and Christmas trees [/recyclingaz#christmastrees] for more information.


Yellow pages

Old yellow pages' or telephone directories can be recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].

Yoghurt pots

Yoghurt pots can be washed and then recycled in your blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin].



Batteries have zinc in them - please see batteries [/recyclingaz#batteries] for how you can recycle them.

Customer Services

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.

Telephone: 08085 834333 [tel:08085834333]

Assisted collection

If none of the people in a household are able to move the bins to the collection point (due to poor health, mobility issues or disability), it is possible to apply for an assisted collection.

Each request for an assisted collection will be assessed individually, and we may need to visit you to confirm your application and identify an agreed place where the bins will be for their collection and return.

If your request is successful, we will write to you regularly to check if anything has changed and if you still need the service. You must tell us if your situation changes.

Apply for an assisted collection through My Account [/applyassistedcollection]

We reserve the right to remove the assisted collection service at any time if it is not being used correctly.

Customer Services

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.

Telephone: 08085 834333 [tel:08085834333]

Request a new bin, a bin repair/replacement or bin removal

We provide bin repair/replacement where your bin has been broken or stolen. We aim to repair bins, instead of replacing them, where possible.

The delivery of a new blue lidded bin can take up to 8 - 10 weeks, we apologise for the delay and will deliver the requested bins as soon as possible. For green-lidded (rubbish) & brown lidded bins (garden subscription bins) we aim to deliver as a priority.

  • If you are asking for a blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin] (recycling), please use your green-lidded bin (rubbish) for any recycling while you are waiting for delivery
  • If you are asking for a brown-lidded bin [/brownliddedbin] (food and garden waste), please take any waste to the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) [/tip] while you are waiting for delivery
  • If you are asking for a green-lidded bin [/greenliddedbin] (rubbish), we aim to deliver these as a priority. You can also book a trip to the tip [] if you have excess waste.

If you are a developer or are building a new property, please download the Waste Storage Technical Advice Note [].

Request a new bin, a bin repair/replacement or bin removal [/requestbin].

Customer Services

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.

Telephone: 08085 834333 [tel:08085834333]

Additional bins

If you are asking for an extra green-lidded bin [], please note that we only provide extra green-lidded bins for houses with six or more people living there. This can include child/children in nappies, or where a resident has a medical condition that causes the production of extra waste. If you qualify for an additional green-lidded bin you will be given a small (140 litre) bin. You will only be given an additional bin where we are confident that every reasonable effort is being made to recycle or compost.

If you are asking for an additional blue-lidded bin [/blueliddedbin] (recycling) we will provide these free of charge.  We only provide  brown-lidded bin [/brownliddedbin] (garden waste) bins to residents who have a garden waste permit. 

Each request for an additional bin will be assessed individually and a visit may be carried out by a waste officer to confirm your application. Applications will only be accepted by those living in the property, i.e. property owners or tenants. In the case of HMOs (Houses of multiple occupancy) applications can be made by property owners, tenants or landlords.

Request an additional bin [/requestextrabin].

Customer Services

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.

Telephone: 08085 834333 [tel:08085834333]

Our aims for your waste

Bin collections

We aim to:

  • Make regular collections when we say that we will - if we have missed your bin please tell us within 48 hours of your collection day, and after 4 pm on the day of your collection (when crews have completed their rounds)
  • Keep you informed of any reasons that your bin may not have been emptied using bin tags
  • Provide the bins that meet your needs. Please ask if you need smaller bins or additional bins. We can also collect extra or bulky waste on request
  • Replace or repair bins that are damaged or stolen
  • Treat all waste in accordance with the law and with consideration to the environment and our customers, whilst making sure that we recycle and reuse as much as possible
  • Be courteous, helpful and polite at all times
  • Introduce new kerbside recycling schemes in partnership with residents and listen to your opinions
  • Lead by example - reviewing our own waste and applying the objectives described above
  • Work with partners to make sure that all of our waste activities are carried out in the most suitable way
  • Be good managers of any hazardous waste and make sure we dispose of it to the latest legal and safety requirements

You can help us by:

  • Putting your bins out for collection by 7 am on the collection day and taking them back to your property as soon as possible (maximum 24 hours)
  • Not overfilling your bin. Keep the lid closed and please do not put extra bags at the side of the bin - we cannot take these away.
  • Not filling your bin with heavy objects, such as rubble or soil
  • Recycling as much of your waste as possible in your blue-lidded bin [] - we must try to recycle 50% of our waste and we are currently only recycling approximately 37%
  • Find out more about going greener

Where does your waste go?

Blue-lidded bins

The recycling collected in the blue-lidded bins [] is taken in bulk from Coventry to the Sherbourne Mixed Recycling site in Coventry. The materials are separated in a mainly mechanical process and then sold to various recycling companies.

Brown-lidded bins

The garden waste that is collected in brown-lidded bins [] is taken to a local site where it is composted.

Green-lidded bins

General rubbish that is collected from green-lidded bins [] is taken to Coventry and Solihull Waste Disposal Company []. The waste is incinerated to create energy, which is sold to the National Grid. This means that only the ash that is left at the end is sent to landfill.

Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip)

Various domestic materials are accepted for recycling and reuse at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre (the tip) []. These include glass, cans, paper, cardboard, garden waste, reusable tools, electrical goods and appliances and wood.

To find out how to dispose of a specific item, please visit A-Z of rubbish and recycling [].

Customer Services

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.

Telephone: 08085 834333 [tel:08085834333]

Nos (Nitrous oxide) bottles

The Government has updated the law to make possession of nitrous oxide illegal from 8 November 2023 if it is, or is likely to be, wrongfully inhaled, by classifying it as a Class C drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and placing it in Schedule 5 to the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001.

The guidance explains these changes to the law [], including what it means for legitimate users of nitrous oxide and how people can ensure they comply with the new legislation.

Nitrous oxide (commonly known as laughing gas) is a colourless gas sold in canisters, usually inhaled using a balloon. Nitrous oxide is a colourless gas mostly sold in pressurised metal canisters. People open the canister, transfer the gas into a container (usually a balloon), then inhale from the balloon.

It is also referred to as blue whip, smart whip, balloons, NOS, whippits, laughing gas, hippie crack, chargers, noz.

What to do if you have a bottle or find a bottle