What can I put in my brown-lidded garden waste bin?

Yes please

  • Grass clippings and shredded hedge-trimmings
  • Leaves, flowers and weeds
  • Straw and hay (if contaminated by animals please put in green-lidded bin)
  • Small twigs and branches
  • Food waste including cooked and uncooked food, meat, fish, bones, vegetables and fruit peelings, plate scrapings.

No thanks

  • black-bagged waste
  • food packaging
  • garden furniture
  • polystyrene
  • Coal
  • Diseased plants
  • Dog poo, cat litter or nappies
  • Large amounts of soil or turf
  • Tree stumps
  • Rubble or bricks
  • Weedkiller
  • Plastic bags
  • Textiles - clothes and bedding
  • Plant pots

Download a printable A4 guide to what you can put in your brown-lidded bin.

Putting non-compostable items in your brown-lidded bin can cause lots of problems with the composting process. Common contaminations include plastics bags, food packaging, plant pots and rubble.

Please see the A-Z of rubbish and recycling if you are unsure of where an item should go.

Please do not leave personal items, parcels or use your bin for storage of belongings - as missed collections or delivery teams may empty, swap or remove a bin that are accessible

Customer Services

Open 9am–5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If you do need to call us, please try to avoid our busiest times of lunchtime and early afternoon. Many queries relating to Council Tax, benefits or bin and bulky waste collections can be dealt with directly by logging into My Account.

Telephone: 08085 834333