Check if a path is a public right of way
If you want to check whether a path is a public right of way, please contact us and give us details of where the path is and we will check for you.
Land owners may make a declaration about the public rights of that cross their land under Section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980. Once the application is submitted the land owner is required to submit a declaration to the Council within 20 years stating that no new public rights have been dedicated.
The Council charges £400 per application.
These documents are available on a public register.
We are also required to maintain a register of applications for Definitive Map Modification Order. The Definitive Map Modification Order list shows applications and the dates they were received by us.
Further information on the individual claims can be inspected by contacting us.
Public rights of way
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097