Council land ownership enquiries
The Property Asset Management team manage our land ownership records. If you need to establish whether we own a piece of land please e-mail []
General land ownership enquiries
However, if you have a general land ownership query please contact:
Land Registry []
Land Registry,
Telephone: 0300 006 0411
Easement or wayleave agreement application
Submit your easement/wayleave agreement application [/easement/wayleaveapplicationform]
New applications are subject to a £100 administration fee in order for the Council to review the online application.
For wayleave agreements, once the Council has had the opportunity to review the online application a decision will be made as to whether the wayleave agreement is handled in-house or outsourced to the Council’s Land Agents.
Standard wayleave agreements will be handled in-house and subject to the following charges:
- Administration fee of £100
- One-off wayleave fee of £600
- Legal Fees of £750
- Total wayleave charge of £1450.
There may be individual cases where due to the specific details or complex nature of the application the wayleave application cannot be treated as a standard wayleave application. In such cases, an increased wayleave fee and legal fee will be applied.
Once the proposed route has been agreed upon, the Council’s Legal Services team will be instructed to prepare the wayleave document for your consideration.
Please use our online form to submit your easement/wayleave agreement application. [/easement/wayleaveapplicationform] If you need help or want to discuss the contents of the form, please email [].
Land ownership enquiries
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097