Land Charges are searches of property history. They take place when a property is changing hands, usually by solicitors acting on behalf of the purchasers. Searches are submitted to us and we provide information about planning applications, building regulation applications, enforcement activity, conditions or other charges on the property or land being sold.

Request a property history search

You can submit multiple searches (of different types, including adding Part 2 questions), attach plan/s, request copies of Section 220 Notices or Section 38 Agreements and calculate the overall fee to make one payment online.

All search requests need to be accompanied by a plan, with the boundary of the land in question marked in red. Plans are not required for copy notice or agreement requests.

Request and pay for standard searches or copy notices/agreements

Local land charges

Please note, our fees are due to increase as of 1 April 2025. 

Upcoming price changes can be seen in brackets next to the current price.

Standard search fee: Covers search enquiries an LLC1 and Con29 for one unit of property or parcel of land:

  • Domestic property: £159.40 (increasing to £163)
  • Commercial property: £208.60 (increasing to 214.60)
  • For a Con29 Only:

  • Domestic property: £134.40 (increasing to £138)
  • Commercial property: £183 (increasing to 189.60)
  • Optional - Con29O

    Where relating to one parcel of land only or to several parcels (as above-mentioned) and delivered on a single form:

  • For each printed enquiry numbered in the form: £25.20 (increasing to 26.40)
  • Other fees

  • LLC1 only: £25
  • Extra parcel: £31.20 (increasing to 32.40)
  • Copy of Section 220 Notice: £27.60
  • Copy of Section 38 Agreement: £81.60

Records and land charges

Address: Council House
Earl Street

Telephone: 024 7527 0949