City Wide Tool Bank

As an outcome of our work with Green Futures and part of our continued mission to make food growing available to all we're excited to announce our City Wide Tool Bank.
Available to individuals or groups developing a green space, our bank has a variety of hand and power tools that can assist in developing, managing and maintaining your site. Members of Food Union get free access to our bank which also includes a variety of literature to help get your garden started. To enquire about rentals please contact
Mandatory training from our Food Union Coordinators will be needed for certain tools.
Examples of the tools in our bank include;
- Forks
- Spades
- Hoes
- Rakes
- Hedge Trimmers
- Strimmer
And more.
The Pod
Development Workers are available for appointments between the hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. The Pod Café is open Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday 12pm to 3pm.
Address: The Pod31 Far Gosford Street