Adopted Coventry Local Plan (2011-2031)
The Coventry Local Plan was formally adopted by Council on 6 December 2017 following receipt of the Planning Inspectors Report []. The Local Plan is the statutory document used by the Council to determine planning applications. The Local Plan [] including the adoption statements and all evidence examined in public can be found in the adopted Local Plan document Library []. Please use our interactive online policies map [] to view our Local Plan policies map.
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) that support the Local Plan and its policies can, if adopted, be found on the SPDs page []. This page includes SPDs currently in draft form, which will also be listed on our consultation page [].
View our Planning homepage [] if you are searching for a specific planning application or looking for other Development Management considerations.
In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding the above information, the Local Plan or supplementary guidance, please contact the Planning Policy Team [].
Planning Policy team
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)
Adopted SPDs
- Air Quality SPD []
- Coventry Connected SPD []
- Health Impact Assessment SPD []
- Hot Food Takeaway SPD []
- Sustainable Urban Extension SPD []
- Trees & Developer Guidance SPD []
- Affordable Housing SPD []
- Energy SPD []
- Open Space SPD []
- Tall Buildings Design Guide and View Management Framework SPD []
- New Residential Development Design Guide SPD []
- Biodiversity Net Gain SPD []
- Householder Design Guide SPD []
- University of Warwick SPD []
Carried-over Supplementary Documents
- Coventry Urban Design Guidance []
- Design guidelines for development in Coventry's Ancient Arden []
- Design Guidance on Shopfronts for Conservation Areas and Historic Buildings adopted 26 June 2014 []
Historic Control Plans
- Kenilworth Road control plan []
- Stoke Green control plan []
- Chapelfields control plan []
- Spon End and Nauls Mill area of local distinctiveness []
- Canley gardens control plan []
- Article 4 Directions []
Planning Policy team
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Adopted Local Plan Document Library
Local Plan Review Evidence Base
For all information relating to the Local Plan Review, please visit the plan review page []
Evidence Base for the adopted Local Plan 2017
- Health and Wellbeing []
- Communities []
- Connectivity []
- Green Infrastructure Study 2008 []
- Green Belt Ecology Review 2014 []
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2015 []
- Joint Green Belt Study 2009 []
- Green Environment []
- Coventry & Warwickshire Green Belt Review 2015 []
- Green Belt Matrix 2015 []
- Design []
- Environmental Management []
- Heritage []
- Infrastructure []
- Accessibility evidence base []
- Independent Housing Number Study []
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2016 []
- Homes in Multiple Occupation []
Adoption statements
View all adoption statements []
Planning Policy team
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Adopted City Centre Area Action Plan (2011-2031)
City Centre Area Action Plan
The City Centre Area Action Plan (CCAAP) has been in place following adoption on 6 December 2017. The CCAAP provides a blueprint for the development of the City Centre only across the next decade. It is a statutory document that provides planning policies to guide development in the City Centre.
Read the City Centre Area Action Plan. []
The Inspector’s Reports, the Modified Final Plan, SA/SEA reports and Adoption Statement for all examined Plans are available online [] for public inspection free of charge.
Planning Policy team
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Neighbourhood Plans
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
Neighbourhood planning is an opportunity to influence how your area will develop and is about making sure a community gets the development it needs through the planning of infrastructure, homes, job opportunities, and leisure and community facilities, including schools, health services and shops. The Government's Planning Practice guidance provides more details on neighbourhood planning [].
How will it work?
Before any work starts on your plan, you must first apply for your area to be formally designated. There are specific rules that your must follow in order to successfully get your neighbourhood designated.
There are three things you must do to support your application:
- submit a map identifying the area;
- submit a statement explaining what it is considered an appropriate neighbourhood area; and
- submit a statement that the organisation making the application is a relevant body.
Any applications received for Neighbourhood Planning Forum designation will be published on this website. The council will then consider applications and comments and decide on the organisations that can be designated for each area. Once designated the Neighbourhood Planning Forums will be able to work towards the production of a Neighbourhood Development Plan for their area.
Please note: only one organisation can be designated for each Neighbourhood Planning Area, this organisation or body remains designated until such time as the designation expires or is withdrawn.
Further information can be found in the Government's National Planning Policy Framework [] and Planning Practice Guidance [].
What is the Council’s role?
The Council will support neighbourhoods in the preparation of their plans, but the level of resource available to support individual groups may depend on:
- How many groups seek support for formal processes;
- Where the Neighbourhood Planning Areas are located - priority may be given to supporting those areas with regeneration potential and areas where there is a high level of deprivation; and
- How much development potential is likely to come forward in the designated Neighbourhood Plan Area.
The Council will also make arrangements to make people aware of the right to make applications to be designated as a neighbourhood planning forum for a neighbourhood area.
Neighbourhood Areas and Neighbourhood Plans
Approved Neighbourhood Areas
- Willenhall Neighbourhood Area was designated by the Council on 17 October 2013. The Willenhall Community Forum was the relevant body that applied for the designation. View a map of the Willenhall neighbourhood area []. The documents that related to the Willenhall Neighbourhood Area consultation includes a public notice, an area application and a map showing the extent of the proposed Willenhall Neighbourhood Area [].
- Allesley Neighbourhood Area was designated by the Council on 4 May 2016, through a report to the Council's Planning Committee meeting []. Allesley Parish Council was the relevant body that applied for the designation. View a map of Allesley Neighbourhood Area []. The documents that related to the Allesley Neighbourhood Area consultation includes a public notice, an area application and a map showing the extent of the proposed Neighbourhood Area [].
- Finham Neighbourhood Area [] was designated by the Council on 16 March 2017. Finham Parish Council was the relevant body that applied for the designation. View a map of the Finham neighbourhood area [] and associated Finham Neighbourhood Area application [].
Approved Neighbourhood Plans
- Willenhall Neighbourhood Plan: On 18 June 2018, the Council's Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities approved the Willenhall Neighbourhood Plan []. Take a look at the decision statement [].
Neighbourhood Plans - Examination and Referendum
There are currently no planned examinations or local referendums.
Planning Policy team
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Local Plan monitoring
Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)
Section 113 of the Localism Act 2011 [] requires the Local Planning Authority (LPA) to produce an Authority Monitoring Report (may previously have been called the Annual Monitoring Report). It is a statutory duty for the LPA to monitor its own performance against the requirements adopted through the Coventry Local Plan 2011-2031 [] (“Local Plan”). Although LPAs still have discretion as to which targets and indicators to include in the AMR, as long as they are consistent with the relevant UK legislation, and conform to Regulation 34 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012 [] which set out the minimum requirements for the contents of the report. In short, this includes reporting on the implementation of the Local Development Scheme (LDS), performance against housing delivery targets as set out in the Local Plan, neighbourhood planning, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Duty to Cooperate (DtC).
AMRs are published annually. View all Authority Monitoring Reports [/downloads/download/2678/annual_monitoring_reports]
Brownfield Land Register
The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 [] and the Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 [] require local authorities to prepare and maintain registers of brownfield land that is suitable for residential development. The regulations set a process for identifying suitable sites, including the requirements for keeping a register and the criteria for assessing sites.
- Government guidance for Brownfield Land Registers [].
- View Coventry's Brownfield Land Register []
Should you wish to discuss any of the sites on the register, or the register in general, please contact the Planning Policy Team [].
Planning Policy team
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Local Development Scheme (LDS)
The Local Development Scheme (LDS) [] was brought into effect at Cabinet on 10 December 2024.
It explains when documents will be produced and when local communities and other key stakeholders can expect to get involved in the plan-making process. It also gives a timetable for producing the planning documents that will make up the Local Plan and related documents.
It also provides an update to the previous LDS [] which was published in February 2024.
Planning Policy team
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) [] was brought into effect at Cabinet on 13 July 2021.
It sets out how the Council will engage communities and other interested parties in the planning process. It also provides a comprehensive update on the previous SCI which was published in 2012.
Planning Policy team
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097