Commenting on planning applications
Who can comment on planning applications?
Anyone can make a comment on a planning application whilst the consultation period is open.
You can use our simple guide [/info/110/planning_applications/801/planning_consultation_process] to help you decide what is a "material consideration".
If you want to speak at committee and have made a representation (to Development Management) then you need to contact the Committee Officer as well, full instructions are on our "how to comment [/info/110/planning_applications/801/planning_consultation_process/4]" pages.
How do I find out what is being proposed?
- Application search [] - Search our online planning register
- Online map [/info/110/planning_applications/1333/online_planning_map] - Search current and historic applications by address or postcode.
- Weekly determined list []
- Weekly received list []
We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Will I get permission for a house extension?
Do I need planning permission?
- Interactive house [] - Permitted development tool - Planning Portal (external link).
- Common projects [] - Advice on planning and building control for common building projects- Planning Portal (external link).
- Prior notification [/info/110/planning_applications/1334/extending_your_house/5] - Larger home extensions procedure.
- Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 [] - The legislation that gives permission for certain types of development.
- Online map [/info/110/planning_applications/1333/online_planning_map] - View planning history and other constraints that may affect your property.
- Planning Portal advice for common projects []
How do I apply?
- Design guides [/info/110/planning_applications/1334/extending_your_house/4] - For home extensions?
- Plans and information [/info/110/planning_applications/163/making_a_planning_application/3] - Documents and plans you will need to submit?
- Make a planning application [] - Planning Portal (external link).
- Application fee schedule [] - The fee for householder planning application.
- Submitted a prior notification [/info/110/planning_applications/1334/extending_your_house/6] - Make an application for larger home extension.
- Bat surveys and other protected species [] - Reports you may be required to submit as part of your application.
Building Control
For advice on whether you need building regulation consent for your proposal please contact our Building Control Team [/buildingcontrol].
Conservation Areas and Listed buildings [/conservation]
You can check to see if your property is within a conservation area or is a Listed building using our online map. [/info/110/planning_applications/1333/online_planning_map]
There are additional restrictions on permitted development for extensions in conservation areas. You should ensure that you fully understand your permitted development allowances prior to starting any project.
Removal of permitted development rights (NPD)
Sometimes when granting planning permission, we will remove some or all of the permitted development allowances that would allow extensions or alterations to the property without further planning permission. These areas are known as No Permitted Development Areas. We have identified the areas on our online map [/info/110/planning_applications/1333/online_planning_map] with some brief details of the development allowances remove. You should always check the original decision notice under which the property was constructed to confirm the information.
Lawful Development Certificate
If you require confirmation that your proposal does not require planning permission then you should make an application for a Lawful Development Certificate [] (LDC) for proposed use.
We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Will I get permission for a commercial property?
Permitted Development
There are permitted development allowances for commercial properties you should look at the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) [] for further guidance.
There are some changes of use [] that do not require planning permission.
Making a planning application []
How do I apply?
- Make a planning application [] - Planning Portal.
- Application fee [/info/110/planning_applications/1334/extending_your_house/6] - Statutory fee schedule for planning applications.
- Video tutorials on making an application [] - Planning Portal.
- Plans and information [/info/110/planning_applications/163/making_a_planning_application/2] - Information we need as part of your submission. (the Adopted Planning Checklist)
- Supplementary planning guidance [] - Design guides, Area development briefs and Supplements/policies of the Coventry Local Plan.
- Coventry Local Plan [] - Current planning policies used to evaluate your proposal.
- Protected species advice [] - Advice from Warwickshire County Council on ecology and planning.
- Online map [/info/110/planning_applications/1333/online_planning_map] - View planning history and other constraints that may affect your site.
Building Control
For advice on whether you need building regulation consent for your proposal please contact our Building Control Team [/buildingcontrol].
We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Understanding the Planning System
We have attached below links to some helpful (external) websites and documents that explain what the planning process is for and how some of the more technical parts are interpreted.
The list is not exhaustive but may help guide you through the process of commenting on or making a planning application.
Planning Aid (England) []
- Offers free, independent, professional advice on planning issues
Plain English guide to the planning system []
- This guide explains how the planning system in England works. It is intended to give an overview only and does not set out new planning policy or guidance. We have done our best to ensure that the information in this guide is correct as of January 2015. It is possible that some of the information is oversimplified, or may become inaccurate over time, for example, because of changes to the law.
The Planning Portal []
- Planning practice guidance is now available entirely online in a usable and accessible way. Important information for any user of the planning system previously only published in separate documents can now be found quickly and simply. You can link easily between the National Planning Policy Framework and relevant planning practice guidance, as well as between different categories of guidance.
National Planning Policy Framework []
- The National Planning Policy Framework seeks to make the planning system less complex and more accessible. It simplifies the number of policy pages about planning. The planning practice guidance (link above) to support the framework is published online and regularly updated. The framework acts as guidance both in drawing up plans and making decisions about planning applications.
Supplementary Guidance/Policy issued by Coventry [/spd]
- This is often brought in after public consultation and can include; design guides, Area development briefs and supplements/policies of the adopted 2001 Coventry Development Plan.
We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Planning policy
Coventry City Council determines planning applications in accordance with local and nationally adopted policies and guidance.
Coventry's Planning Policy Team [/planningpolicy]
- Planning Policy [/planningpolicy] - Find out about our new Local Plan [/localplan] and City Centre Area Action Plan [/ccaap].
- Supplementary Planning Guidance [] - often brought in after public consultation and can include design guides, area development briefs and supplementary policies of the adopted CDP 2001.
National policies and guidance
- National Planning Policy Framework []
- Planning Practice Guidance []
- The Planning Portal []
We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
Article 4
From 30 September 2023, if you change a property occupied by a single household, or a maximum of two people, to an HMO, you’ll need to apply for planning permission [].
A family home (one household), or a property occupied by a maximum of two people, is known as Planning Use Class C3. A HMO is known as Planning Use Class C4. The legal definition [] of C4 is provided by section 254 of the Housing Act 2004 []. Converted blocks of self-contained flats are not included in the definition (section 257 []).
To move from C3 to C4 will require planning permission in certain wards of Coventry. The Wards are: Cheylesmore, Earlsdon, Foleshill, Lower Stoke, Radford, St. Michael's, Sherbourne, Wainbody, Whoberley, Westwood and Upper Stoke. You can enter your property postcode [] to find out which ward it’s in.
C4 means HMOs occupied by three to six people. HMOs occupied by seven or more people is known as Sui Generis and have always needed planning permission when changing from C3. You will also need planning permission if you’re moving from C4 to Sui Generis. The rules on seven-person Sui Generis Use Class apply city-wide.
Properties that were already in lawful use as HMOs with fewer than seven tenants before the direction came into effect will not need to make a planning application. However, if such a property ceases to be used as an HMO (for example, if it is rented to a single family) then a change of use planning application will need to be made to bring the property back into use as an HMO.
The Article 4 direction has no bearing on existing HMO licences, or on future HMO licences for properties that were HMOs prior to the designation. However, if we determine that a property is operating as an HMO without the benefit of the correct planning permission, we will only issue a one-year licence for that property, and will include a condition requiring that the correct permission is sought. Please note that this is not a guarantee that planning permission will be granted.
In addition, where a property is found to be operating without the correct planning permission, the Planning Enforcement team [] may take legal action against the owner.
The Property Licensing Team is not able to provide any further information or answer any queries about the Article 4 designation. Please direct any queries to the Planning Policy team []. For further information about how planning applications for HMOs will be assessed, please see Planning Policy’s HMO Development Plan [].
Does a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) require planning permission?
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 [] does give permission for small HMOs without the need for further planning permission from ourselves.
- A small HMO (C4) is the use of a dwelling house by 3-6 unrelated residents.
- Where more than 6 residents (individuals not a family) live together in a house planning permission will be required. This will have regard to the adopted SPG [/downloads/download/5441/houses_in_multiple_occupation_-_development_control_guidelines].
Housing Act 2004
You may require a licence under the Housing Act 2004 and further information is available from our Environment and Housing Enforcement Team [/hmo].
Planning Enforcement
If you think a property is being used as a HMO by more than 6 unrelated residents then please contact The Planning Enforcement Team [/info/110/planning_applications/1343/planning_enforcement/2] who will investigate your complaint.
We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Party walls and work on shared boundaries
Party Walls Act 1996
The Council will not mediate or offer advice on disputes affecting a boundary between yourselves and your neighbour as it is a private, civil matter between individual land owners.
There are however other external organisations that may offer advice and we have provided some links below to assist you.
- Planning Portal Party Walls Act 1996 guidance [] - Help page with links to guidance booklet (GOV.UK)
- Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors [] - RICS may offer telephone helpline services to consumers in the UK. and offer up to 30 minutes of free advice and a number of downloadable guides.
- Government advice - Preventing and resolving disputes in relation to party walls [] - Information on carrying out building work under the Party Wall etc Act 1996, or what to do if your neighbour tells you they're about to carry out work.
We are unable to give informal advice by telephone, please refer to our planning webpages for guidance.
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097