Planning Committee

How to make your views known at the right time.


We welcome public comments, whether for small developments like house extensions, or for large plans affecting a whole area. This explains how you can best make your views known so they can be considered before a decision is made.

Having your say at Planning Committee

Most applications are decided under delegated powers (by officers). But, where there are five or more written representations which go against the officer's recommendation, applications are normally considered by the Planning Committee.

The exception is where a proposal, involving an extension, alteration or improvement to a house follows our approved supplementary planning guidance 'Extending your home' [adopted in 2003]. In these cases, even if you have objected to the proposal, the application will remain as a delegated decision, unless you have asked to speak against the application at the Planning Committee.

Planning Committee meetings are usually held every three weeks on a Thursday afternoon in the Council House. The meetings are open to members of the public. Any written comments you make will be included in the written report if the application is to be considered by the Committee.

If you wish to speak at the Committee then you must contact the Governance Services Officer on 024 7697 2301 or 024 7697 2302 or email by 2pm, at the latest, on the Tuesday before the meeting. Governance Services are unable to assist with any queries relating to planning applications.

Please be aware that the Council’s procedures state that “Speakers will only be allowed one opportunity to address the Committee, irrespective of whether the application is deferred to a later Planning Committee. However, if material changes arise following deferment, or there are exceptional reasons submitted by the speakers to address the Committee again, the Chair of Planning Committee has discretionary power to allow registered speakers an opportunity to address the Committee on new issues.” and “A ‘registered speaker’ will be a person (other than the applicant or their representative) who has made written representations on the application to planning employees within the consultation period and has registered to speak with the Place Directorate.” On this basis some requests may be declined.

Once you have told us of your wish to speak, you will be contacted to confirm the details of the meeting. You will be given a copy of the officer's report.

At the meeting, the Chair will invite speakers to address the meeting for a maximum of three minutes each. Any objectors will go first, followed by those in support and finally the person making the application or their representative.

Read our guide to speaking at Planning Committee.