Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee

Councillor Gavin Lloyd, Chair of the Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee.
Councillor Dr Lynnette Kelly – Coventry City Council, Deputy Chair of Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee
The Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee, or SCRUCO as it is sometimes known, includes all the Scrutiny Board Chairs as members and has a number of roles:
- It oversees the work of all the Scrutiny Boards, to make sure nothing is missed and that boards are not doing the same work
- It looks into issues around the Council Leader's work, which includes the Local Enterprise Partnership, Marmot City and Corporate Plan.
- Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee also looks at the Deputy Leader's portfolio which covers Community Safety, Public Protection and Equalities.
- It considers issues which cut across more than one area of the Council's work.
- It considers "call-ins"- where councillors challenge decisions made by the Cabinet/individual Cabinet Members.
- The Board is the Council's Crime and Disorder Committee and can call in agencies like the Police, Fire and Probation services, for scrutiny too
Scrutiny Team
Address: Council HouseEarl Street