Tile Hill: Pride of Place

For the Tile Hill: Pride of Place project, The Caravan Gallery co-curated a community-based exhibition, collecting and displaying public contributions relating to Tile Hill’s past and present.
Tile Hill residents had the opportunity to have their own artwork, household treasures and stories featured as part of a special exhibition, produced by The Caravan Gallery artists and photographers Jan Williams and Chris Teasdale.
The exhibition on display at Tile Hill Library also includes a hand drawn ‘People’s Map of Tile Hill’, featuring contributions from the local community. The Caravan Gallery also offered several local guided walks and postcard making workshops.
Visit the Tile Hill Pride of Place Project exhibition in the library and help it grow by contributing your own artwork, stories and objects.
The Caravan Gallery’s Tile Hill Pride of Place Project is part of Coventry Libraries Service’s programme Digital Spaces, funded by Arts Council England and produced by The Space.