Digital Coventry
Internet and digital technologies have transformed lives on a global scale and continue to do so at an ever-increasing pace. The pace of technology evolution is also changing what people want from the services that the public sector, including the Council, provides or commissions. The Council is responding to the challenges through its digital strategy, Digital Coventry. As part of this, we are also seeking to make better use of the information assets of the Council.
Find out more:
- Digital Coventry strategy []
- Information management strategy []
Open data
The Council is seeking to publish more data as open data, so that public information is open by default, and for citizens and businesses to access information about themselves, and to enable the creation of a city data market and the development of the internet of things in the city. Initially, we have released the following datasets as open data, but as we work towards making the information we hold in more accessible, standardised, and digital formats rather than as paper records, we will provide more information when we can.
About our open data
Data is information that we gather as part of our daily and regular business. The following open data comes from a variety of sources and is presented in a variety of ways, either in its raw form, or where we have done some analysis and tried to make it more useful. It can be freely used by everyone with few restrictions. These collections of reusable data are known as datasets. Information we have published so far includes all our spending over £500, salaries of our senior staff, our contracts and much more.
In some cases, we have REDACTED data. This means that some information has been removed. This can be for a number of reasons. Personal data that could identify an individual, such as a foster carer, or a person's home address would be redacted.
Who can use this data?
Anyone really. You can download it. You are free to use it in a wide variety of ways. All that we ask is that you use it in accordance with the Open Government Licence. [/info/145/websites_and_social_media/650/open_data/2]
Data sets
Below is a list of the datasets we provide:
Open data
Business rates (Non-Domestic Rates)
- Non Domestic Rates FOI report - Accounts with mandatory relief and credit balances []
- Non Domestic Rates FOI report - Accounts with credit balances []
- Non Domestic Rates FOI report - Accounts with Rateable value of £0.00 upwards (CSV) [/downloads/download/2178/non_domestic_rates_foi_report]
- Non Domestic Rates FOI report - New liability accounts (CSV) [/downloads/download/3321/non_domestic_rates_foi_report_-_new_liability_accounts]
Council performance
- Council Plan (One Coventry Plan) performance indicators (CSV) [] (on GitHub)
Environmental Services
- Animal Welfare Service requests []
- Environmental Services Fixed Penalty Notices []
- Environmental Services notices []
- Pest Control Service requests []
- Street Enforcement Investigations report []
- Car parking - annual statistical data []
- Council Tax FOI Report – Accounts with credit balances (CSV) []
- Spending data over £500 (CSV) [/info/10069/financial_information/651/transparency]
- Salaries of senior managers (CSV) [/downloads/download/1930/salaries_of_senior_managers]
- Contracts register (CSV) [/downloads/download/1362/contracts_register]
- Latest news (RSS) [/rss/news]
- Latest events (RSS) [/rss/events]
- Latest photographs on Flickr (RSS)
- IPPC Public Register [/ippcregister]
- Public health funerals (CSV) [/publichealthfunerals]
- Council owned and controlled CCTV cameras [/downloads/download/3322/council_cctv_locations]
- Council owned or occupied land or buildings [/info/145/websites_and_social_media/2406/list_of_council_owned_or_occupied_land_and_buildings]
- TU facility time publication submission []
Other data
The Council also publishes a lot of other information and statistics. Not all of these are published as open data formats like csv at present. Information and statistics about the city, the Council and its performance and its strategies and policies are set out in the information and statistics hub:
- Coventry information and statistics []
- Facts about Coventry []
- Performance []
- Policies and strategies []
- Equality and diversity []
We also publish other data sets. These are currently not available in machine-readable formats and are only available as pdf:
- Councillor allowances [/downloads/download/325/members_allowances]
- Travel and conference []
Freedom of information (FOI)
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act gives you the right to ask for - and be given - information that the Council has:
- Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations []
Information Governance
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097
Who can use this data?
Using our information
The information we publish on our 'open data' web pages is governed by the Open Government Licence []. This has been developed to enable bodies like Coventry City Council ("The Council") to license the use and re-use of their Information by the public under a common open licence. There is also a Code of Conduct [] which we encourage people to follow.
A few useful definitions
The terms you will see below have the following meanings:
This means information protected by copyright or by database right (for example, literary and artistic works, content, data and source code) offered for use by the Council under the terms of this licence.
'Commercial exploitation'
This could mean for example, combining it with other information, or by including it in your own publication or IT application.
'The Council'
That would be us. We are the organisation providing the information under this licence.
This means any other information provider which has the authority to offer information under the terms of this licence.
This could include for example the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, who has the authority to offer information subject to Crown copyright.
This means doing any act which is restricted by copyright.
This means the person, or organisation that acquires rights under this licence.
What does this all mean?
This means you are encouraged to use and re-use the information that is available under this licence both freely and flexibly. We do recommend that you use our information in a way that means you can update it easily. For example, you could use the same column headings in your own application, as this will enable you to use our up-to-date data and information when it is made available. We also appreciate you telling us [/contactus] if you think anything we have published is incorrect. Please point out any inconsistencies you find in the information. Please also make suggestions about how we could improve what we offer. We cannot guarantee that we will start producing new data sets, but please do suggest any new information sources that could be added and we will certainly have a look.
There are also a few conditions for use, which put simply mean that by using our information (the 'Information') you accept the terms and conditions below.
Terms and Conditions and guidance for use
Our full terms and conditions are contained in the Open Government Licence and the Code of Conduct, but in general Coventry City Council ("The Council") grants you a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive licence to use the Information subject to the conditions below.
Things you are free to do:
- Copy, publish, distribute and transmit the Information
- Adapt the information
- Exploit the information commercially.
Things you must do, where you do any of the above:
- Acknowledge the Council as the source of the information by including the attribution "Coventry City Council" and where possible, provide a link to this and the Open Government licence.
- If you are using information from several providers, you may consider using the following wording:
"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0"
Things you must not do:
- Breach the Data Protection Act 2018 or the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.
- Use the Information in a way that pretends to be an official Council service; and
- Suggest that the Council officially endorses you or your use of the Information
- Use the Information in a misleading or incorrect manner; or to
- Misrepresent the Council or change the Information to do so;
- Use the Information or to support a criminal or illicit activity;
- Use the Information to inflame or make comments that are racist, sexist or homophobic, or which promote or incite violence or illegal activity.
These are important conditions and if you fail to comply, the rights granted to you, or any similar rights granted by the licensor, will end automatically.
This licence does not cover the use of:
- Information that has not been released or published under the Freedom of Information Act, or with the consent of the Council.
- Any logos or crests except where they form an integral part of a document or dataset.
- Third party rights the Council cannot license. This would mean information owned by other people, including patents, trademarks, and design rights; and
- Official identity documents, such as the British passport for example.
No warranty
The information is licensed 'as is'.
This means the Council is not liable for any errors or omissions in the information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use.
The Council also does not guarantee a continued supply of information. It may choose to stop producing it and may remove it from the Open Data pages.
Governing Law
Licences are governed by the laws of the United Kingdom, where the Council has its place of business, unless otherwise specified by the Council.
Information Governance
Address: Coventry City CouncilPO Box 7097