Quitting smoking can make a drastic improvement to your lifestyle and health. From breathing more easily and preventing cancers and heart disease through to saving money and having better sex, the benefits of stopping smoking are numerous.
For free information and advice about quitting smoking contact the Healthy Lifestyle Service.
For support and advice on stopping smoking during pregnancy, contact the Family Health and Lifestyles 0-19 service.
There are a number of ways to quit smoking:
- One-to-one support from your local stop smoking service: Coventry's Healthy Lifestyle Service offer one-to-one support and free nicotine replacement (including e-cigarettes) for up to 12 weeks to help in a quit attempt. Research suggests this is the most effective way of quitting - with smokers being 3 times more likely to successfully quit than without support. Help and support is available from trained advisors at Healthy Lifestyles Coventry You can call 0800 122 3780 or email info@hlscoventry.org to get started.
- With the help of a smartphone app - we recommend you use the NHS Smokefree app
- By going it alone - many people simply go 'cold turkey' or use electronic cigarettes as an aid to quit.
Reliable information to help you be smokefree is available from: