Governor Support Service Coventry

The Governor Support Service is part of the Education Improvement and Standards Service within the Local Authority and is committed to providing an effective service to improve the Governance of educational establishments in Coventry and the surrounding area.
Kelly Goddard is the Service Manager, and the interim Governor Support Service Manager is Kirsty Russell. In addition there is a team of Governance Professionals known as Governor Support Specialist Officers who act as Clerks to Governors.
The service is centrally based and has a wealth of experienced staff who will also provide advice on Governance related matters.
What we do
- We provide advice and guidance on all Governance related matters:
- Administration of the Governing Board
- Convening, attending and clerking Governing Board meetings
- Carrying out all of the above for Governing Board committees, if that is the level of service purchased
Our services to you
The following services are provided at the appropriate charge to LA schools and academies:
- Statutory Governing Board Support (electronic correspondence)
- Clerking Support for one committee (one committee meeting once per term) (electronic correspondence)
- Clerking Support for two meetings of the Governing Board which includes Committee business (electronic correspondence)
- Advice and Guidance Service
All of the above options include:
- Arranging and clerking of meetings of the Governing Board/Committee
- Preparing and producing agendas for all meetings of the Governing Board/ Committee and identify items for inclusion on the agenda in consultation with the Chair of Governors and Headteacher
- Electronic distribution of the agenda and all documents provided for consideration at a scheduled meeting within statutory timeframes
- Taking minutes of the meeting which will be made available in draft form to the Chair of Governors and Headteacher within 10 school days following the meeting
- Undertaking follow up work arising from Governing Board meetings ensuring that appropriate matters are referred to the relevant person
- Maintaining records of and monitoring attendance at meetings and taking appropriate action in accordance with School Governance Regulations
- Maintaining membership details of the Governing Board (including committee membership) and dealing with all
- correspondence regarding membership, including notification of appointments
- Access to GovernorHub (Excluding Advice and Guidance Service). GovernorHub brings together the key tools a Governing Board needs, it’s easy to use and update. Offers a mobile app for IOS and Android; can be used to download documents to use in meetings even when there is no internet access. The link to the website is Governor Hub
Governors’ E-Learning (Learning Link) Modules
This service gives automatic access for all members of the Governing Board to the online E-Learning modules for the duration of the subscription, unless GSS is informed that this service is not required at the point of renewal/ uptake of the SLA. This offer will incur an additional, discounted charge above the SLA.
Our commitment to you
During the agreement period and from the commencement date, the Clerk to the Governing Board will:
- Deliver to the high standards expected by the board of a Governance Professional
- Clerk Governing Board meetings in accordance with School Governance Regulations and the Governance Handbook, other relevant Regulations and good practice guidance
- Issue agendas and associated documentation within statutory timeframes unless otherwise directed by the Chair of Governors
- Make draft minutes available to the Chair of Governors and Headteacher for comment within 10 school days of the meeting taking place
Standards of performance are set and monitored by the Service Manager through formal feedback from the Headteacher and Chair of Governors.
Name | Job title | Telephone | |
Helen Masefield |
Education Standards, Performance and Governance Lead |
024 7697 7762 |
Kelly Goddard |
Governor Support Service Manager |
024 7697 2091 | |
Kirsty Russell |
Interim Governor Support Service Manager |
024 7697 2101 |
Sandra Haig |
Governor Support Officer |
024 7697 2094 | |
Dianne Brooks |
Governor Support Specialist Officer |
024 7697 6733 | |
Jacqueline Shearer |
Governor Support Specialist Officer |
024 7697 2102 | |
Jennifer Cutler |
Governor Support Specialist Officer |
024 7697 2703 | |
Amy Green |
Governor Support Specialist Officer |
024 7697 6184 | |
Paulson Koothoor Joyson |
Governor Support Specialist Officer |
024 7697 7905 | |
Priya Sahota |
Governor Support Service Apprentice |
024 7538 6505 | |
The team work predominantly Monday - Thursday due to Governor meeting requirements, with a small team working on a Friday.
Please send any queries to the team contact email: if you receive an out of office response for a named individual.