The Council's Statement of Accounts is prepared in accordance with the Code of Practice on local authority accounting in the United Kingdom.
Statement of accounts 2023-24
The Council’s 2023-24 Statement of Accounts was approved by the Audit and Procurement Committee on 17 February 2025. The Statement of Accounts includes the report and opinion of our external auditors, Grant Thornton.
The audit is not yet able to be fully concluded as Grant Thornton are yet to complete the necessary work in relation to consolidation returns, including the Whole of Government Accounts (WGA), and the National Audit Office has not yet concluded their work in respect of WGA for the year ended 31 March 2024. Once this work has been completed, we will publish the Notice of Conclusion of the Audit.
Statement of accounts 2022-23
The Council’s 2022-23 Statement of Accounts was approved by the Audit and Procurement Committee on 25 November 2024. The audit of these accounts has now concluded, and the council has published a Notice of Conclusion. The auditor’s independent report and certificate of completion have been appended to the accounts.
Statement of accounts 2021-22
The Council’s 2021-22 Statement of Accounts was approved by the Audit and Procurement Committee on 25 November 2024. The audit of these accounts has now concluded, and the council has published a Notice of Conclusion. The auditor’s independent report and certificate of completion have been appended to the accounts.
Statement of accounts 2020-21
The Council’s 2020-21 Statement of Accounts was approved by the Audit and Procurement Committee on 25 November 2024. The audit of these accounts has now concluded, and the council has published a Notice of Conclusion. The auditor’s independent report and certificate of completion have been appended to the accounts.
Previous years
You can also download the Statement of Accounts for previous years